Won 11 prizes in various contests participated last year. Improvement of professionalism in big data AI area during faculty course through the activities of IT’S, an academic club “A tooth brushing system based on deep learning” was selected as an excellent thesis by Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea. [January 13, 2022] <Students and tutor of IT’S, YU Department of Information and Communication Engineering> (From upper left, KIM Ji-hun, LEE Chan-ho, JI Jun-young, LEE Bin, NAM Seung-hyeon, BAE Seung-ho, and Professor PARK Yong-wan, from lower left, KIM Min-jeong, KIM Da-in, JO Na-won, SHIN Su-hyeon, and LIM Chang-han) YU Department of Information and Communication Engineering is accepted as a delivery room of next-generation core technology talents including big data and AI, etc. The students of the department were accepted for professionalism and practical capability by winning 11 prizes in various public contests for big data and AI, etc. The winner of such performances is IT’S of YU Department of Information and Communication Engineering (Tutor, PARK Yong-wan). IT’S is an academic club consisting of more than 120 faculty students. They won the first prize in Marine/Fishery Big Data Analysis Contest last year and their capability was accepted by showing their creative idea in Gyeongsangbukdo Data Analysis Contest, Daegu Big Data Analysis Contest, Marine Police Data Contest Exhibit, and Firefighting Safety Big Data Contest, etc. Chair LEE Bin (3rd grade) of IT’S which won six contest exhibits last year said, “Various issues may be solved and improvements may be deduced using big data generated in daily life. We are proud of the possibility that the ideas studied and suggested by us may help the policies of public agencies and decision-making of companies.” IT’S won in contest exhibits of AI including 9th Embedded Software Contest, SK AI Challenge for Our Society Contest Exhibit, ‘KB AI Challenge, etc., and the professionalism is accepted. They gathered attentions of participants by suggesting differentiated ideas such as Tooth brushing habit analysis system, Clothes tailoring and recommending system based on deep learning, and A model to detect wearing of safety devices to prevent marine safety accidents. Among them, Standard tooth brushing technology won excellence award in Embedded Software Contest and got rave reviews from the judges.The technology is an analysis and improvement system for tooth brushing habit based on deep learning. BAE Seung-ho (3rd grade, YU Department of Information and Communication Engineering) was in charge of implementation of AI of the technology and said, “It is possible to collect tooth brushing habits from vision sensors installed on the mirror in a bathroom and to analyze tooth brushing habit based on the joint and moving direction of a hand using LSTM of deep learning model. Also, insufficient tooth brushing parts may be visualized through a web service for checking by the user on a smartphone or PC. The value in health such as prevention of periodontal diseases may be enhanced if studies are additionally conducted in connection with medical area.” Especially, the thesis reported based on the Standard tooth brushing technology by the students of YU Department of Information and Communication Engineering was selected as an excellent thesis in “2021 Korean Embedded Engineering Autumn Conference” and both academic value and industrial value were accepted. Professor PARK Yong-wan of YU Department of Information and Communication Engineering commented, “Students have been showing excellent research power from faculty course through academic club activities. They are improving their practical capabilities during obtaining basic knowledge of their major in big data and AI area through their curriculums and during group study of their club. I hope students evaluate their capabilities and improve their capabilities by participating in various contests.
- PR team
- 2022. 01. 26
- 2022. 01. 13
- 14591
Leading community development by a university and a public agency Cooperation in construction of a social-tailored cooperation system for seeking urban cultural contents and for urban recycling projects [January 13, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) and Daegu Metropolitan Transit Corporation (Chairman HONG Seung-hwal) concluded Agreement on community innovation. In the event of the agreement held at 3:00 pm on the 13th in Situation Room on the 5th floor of head office of Daegu Metropolitan Transit Corporation, HAN Dong-geun (President of YU Department of Industry-Academy Research), HAE Cheol-ho (Manager of LINC+ Project Team), JEONG Yong-gyo (Professor of Department of Society), and HONG Seung-hwal (Chairman of Daegu Metropolitan Transit Corporation, etc. participated. YU and Daegu Metropolitan Transit Corporation agreed in ▲Construction of a social-tailored cooperation system to seek for urban cultural content and to achieve urban recycling, village communities, and social economy, ▲ Cultivation of regional talents for regional society innovation and creation of jobs for communities, ▲ Development and execution of student internship programs to help field learning, ▲ Implementation of government-supported projects such as social-tailored industry-academy cooperation leading college [LINC+] cultivation project, etc., ▲ Development and execution of citizen education and student education programs based on regions, and ▲Construction of a cooperation network for mutual development of communities through human and material exchange. HAN Dong-geun (President of YU Department of Industry-Academy Research) participated in the event and said, “A university and regional public agency will gather power for development and innovation of communities. The university will lead planning of, seeking for, and execution of various programs for development of communities as well as both parties based on cultivation of talents.”
- PR team
- 2022. 01. 26
- 2022. 01. 13
- 14568
Field lectures for students and their parents by distinguished chair professors Various subjects on 4th industry, society, culture, and advanced science, etc. were shared by students and their parents. All year round application to YU Admissions Office [December 31, 2021] <Distinguished chair professor LEE Hyo-soo giving Chunma Honors Special Lecture in Youngnam Sahmyook High School> The first masterpiece lecture, Chunma Honors Special Lecture, was started as a social contribution program of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool). Chunma Honors Special Lecture is a social contribution program of YU prepared to share professional knowledge and experiences in various social areas of lectures consisting of YU distinguished chair professors with citizens and to enhance liberal arts knowledge of them and chair professors visit the field and give the lecture. The first lecturer is distinguished chair professor LEE Hyo-soo who was the 13th professor of YU.Distinguished chair professor LEE Hyo-soo gave a special lecture for 90 minutes to more than 100 1st and 2nd grade students in Youngnam Sahmyook High School on the 16th of last month. In the special lecture, distinguished chair professor LEE Hyo-soo explained about Y (Yields) type talents to generate values to meet the times of 4th industrial revolution with the subject of “Y type talents, Why, How & What?” and advised talents how to become Y type talents getting good responses from students. After the lecture, students expressed their feeling saying, “It was a motive for deep thinking about future social development and talent cultivation. We got the intention to become Y type talents to generate values by ourselves.” In addition to distinguished chair professor LEE Hyo-soo who gave the lecture on that day, the lectures of Chunma Honors Special Lecture consist of former YU president LEE Sang-chun, former National Assembly member KIM Kwang-lim, and former Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs LEE Dong-pil. Chunma Honors Special Lecture is given all year round. The lecture is given upon the requests by middle/high school students, teachers, and parents and agency members, etc. and, if the requests are actively made in future, many professionals including President CHOI Oe-chool will participate. For details, you may make inquiries to YU Admissions Office. YU plans to give the lecture with expansion of lectures to eminent persons from various circles if the requests for Chunma Honors Special Lecture increase in future.
- PR team
- 2022. 01. 12
- 2021. 12. 31
- 15046
Development of highly sensitive quick autoimmunity diagnosis kit for COVID-19 with antibody immobilization Study on “improvement of sensitivity of quick autoimmunity diagnosis kit” led by Professor KIM Chang-seop of Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, etc. [January 6, 2022] <Research team of Department of Biochemistry of YU Graduate School> (From the left, Professor KIM Chang-seop and investigators KIM Kyeong-rok and LEE Ae-seol) YU research team proposed a method for quick diagnosis of COVID-19 and received attention. Excellence award of “National R&D Real Challenge” was given to the task of “highly sensitive quick autoimmunity diagnosis kit for COVID-19 with antibody immobilization” proposed by KIM Kyeong-rok (doctorate completion), LEE Ae-seol (doctorate 2nd year), and KIM Su-min (2nd year of master). The task was led by Professor KIM Chang-seop of Department of Biochemistry of YU and Chief Investigator SHIN Hwa-hee of Diagnostic Medical Device Team of Daegu Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation. YU research team proposed a method to improve low sensitivity of COVID-19 autoimmunity diagnosis kits which has been pointed out as an issue. They proposed “Quick autoimmunity diagnosis kit based on fusion protein and cellulose.” Investigator KIM Kyeong-rok explained the performance of the study saying, “Commercialized quick autoimmunity diagnosis kits have the advantages of low prices and availability for nonprofessionals but, as antibodies are immobilized on nitrocellulose membranes, the sensitivity is significantly low. In addition, if samples are not collected by accurate ways, the sensitivity decreases. Therefore, we intended to improve the sensitivity of the quick autoimmunity diagnosis kit for detection of COVID-19 by immobilizing antigen-binder of antibody so that is exposed out of cellulose membranes with use of the antibody immobilization method developed by our laboratory. Also, accurate sampling is possible because color change may be identified with use of pH-sensitive sampling cotton swab.” “NationalR&D Real Challenge Program” supported by the Ministry of Information & Communication and managed by Korea Institute of Human Resources Development in Science and Technology (KIRD)” is a program to strengthen research capability of engineering doctorate/master graduate school students. Graduate school students select “free subjects on solution of social and human pending issues and development of new technologies,” establish research plans, and perform duties.
- PR team
- 2022. 01. 12
- 2022. 01. 06
- 15091
Excellence awards in two areas of academic study on entrepreneurship & start-up and start-up items. Performance of the education course of “technical innovation & entrepreneurship linked major and graduate school.” [January 3, 2021] YU students obtained excellence awards and special awards in December in “2021 Entrepreneurship & Start-up Contest for National College (Graduate School) Students.” The contest is held by The Korea Entrepreneurship Society, The Korean Academic Society of Business Administration, Gyeongsang National University, KDB Foundation, and Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation and academic studies on entrepreneurship & start-up and start-up items are assessed in two areas (academic studies on entrepreneurship & start-up and start-up item business models) for national college and graduate school students. More than 20 teams from all colleges made applications and three teams of YU entered final contest through document review and obtained excellence awards and special awards. One winning team of the contest consists of the students of YU technical innovation & entrepreneurship linked major and graduate school; PARK Beom-swok in integrated doctorate/master course of Department of Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Graduate School obtained award in academic research area, LEE Jong-deok obtained excellence award with a thesis of “A study on the effect of customer-finding experience type start-up education program to start-up education,” and Credia Team consisting of MOON Jeong-wan (4th grade, Department of Mechanical Engineering), JEONG Yeon-seok (3rd grade, Department of Business Administration), and YEO Hwa-seok (2nd grade, Department of Life Engineering) obtained excellence award in start-up item contest area.Also, Zero Waste Team, which consists of KIM Seong-jin (3rd grade, Department of Materials Science), KO Ho-jeong (4th grade, Department of Chemical Engineering), and PARK Ju-hyeon (2nd grade, Department of Chemical Engineering), obtained special awards. The start-up items and academic researches obtained awards were based on the ideas and theses deduced from the education course of technical innovation & entrepreneurship linked major and graduate school. Technical innovation & entrepreneurship linked major is a course in team project type to enhance entrepreneurship and to seek for innovation start-up items and the graduate school course is provided to study entrepreneurship and cultivate start-up professionals at academic level. PARK Beom-seok, a winner of the excellence award, said, “I am conducting professional studies on entrepreneurship. This contest gave a motive for me to improve the capability of an investigator by grafting start-up theories and actual situations any be analyzing the effects.”
- PR team
- 2022. 01. 12
- 2022. 01. 03
- 14799
Investigator SOHN Ji-hun from YU Cyber Emotion Research Institute (Department of Digital Fusion Business of Graduate School) Study on brand images and royalty with analysis of big data such as keywords, press releases, and SNS, etc. Excellent Thesis Award in a regular academic contest of Korean Regional Communication Research Association [December 30, 2021] “What would be the images of domestic chicken brands in big data?” Investigator SOHN Ji-hun from YU Cyber Emotion Research Institute (2nd year of master course, Department of Digital Fusion Business of Graduate School) showed an interesting result of an analysis of brand images and royalty of domestic chicken franchise companies based on big data. Investigator SOHN Ji-hun conducted a study to observe the course that chicken franchise companies founded in Daegu or Gyeongbuk areas are expanded in whole country, to arrange the specific features, and to identify the relation between brand images and royalty based on the big data in the expansion processes.He identified differences in region, gender, and age and times of press release based on keywords and press release data and identified how brand image marketing is done based on Instagram data. As the result, he found that Gyochon had more interests and press release times than Hosigi Dumari or Mexicana and that brand royalty was enhanced through communication with the public through SNS. The study was conducted by adding Instagram data to the content of “A study on Daegu Spirit and urban identity” which was jointly conducted by Professor PARK Han-woo’s Research Team of Department of Media Information of YU and Time&Space Lab, etc. The result of the study was reported as a thesis of “Big data analysis on brand identity in the process to stand and expand franchise - focused in Instagram comments on Daegu and Gyeongbuk chicken brands” and obtained Excellent Thesis Award in “2021 Busan Winter Regular Academic Congress of Korean Regional Communication Research Association.” Investigator SOHN Ji-hun commented, “It was possible to understand what influence is given to brand value generation by big data of keywords, press release, and SNS in order to help establishment of the direction of SNS marketing for brands. If the result of the study is applied to recently growing regional franchise in addition to the three brands of the study, formation of brand images and enhancement of royalty will be significantly assisted. I’d like to conduct studies on the influences of social media marketing to not only catering franchise but also entertainment industry through big data,” and showed successive study plans saying, “I’d like to study the processes to plan and expand brand images of celebrities.”
- PR team
- 2022. 01. 12
- 2021. 12. 30
- 14764
From the 26th to the 28th, the metaverse campus invites high school students to provide an opportunity to enjoy an indirect experience of the campus. Hosted by a metaverse club named 'YUMC', varied programs such as university introductions, campus tours, etc., are on the air. We form social relationships by establishing a metaverse campus to hold various events and share information among students. [December 7, 2021] <Metaverse campus built by YU YUMC (the whole view of Central Library))> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) invites high school students to Metaverse. YU holds an event called 'YU Minecraft Open Campus' using Metaverse. This event features to be directly planned and conducted by YUMC (Yeungnam Univ. Minecraft Server), a metaverse club of YU students. This event, which will be held four times from the 26th (Sunday) to the 28th (Tuesday), will be operated at YU's Metaverse campus built with Minecraft (Microsoft's metaverse game). Therefore, any high school student with a Minecraft account can access YU's Metaverse campus and enjoy many types of programs such as school introductions, stamp tours, and conversations with current students. In addition, the host will operate event halls for a prize draw and the other ceremony separately. The maximum number of participants per session is 40. Lastly, you could refer to YUMC's website (http://yumc.kr) showing details and participation applications. <Metaverse images of Minecraft open campus> SEO Seung-wan, president of YUMC’s metaverse club of YU, who planned this event, said, “I wanted to provide prospective college students with an opportunity to experience college life and campus environment indirectly. I hope you can experience the university campus that is difficult to visit in person through the metaverse, albeit the outbreak of COVID-19 continues for a long time. “And he also said, “We hope that the ‘YU Minecraft Open Campus’ event serves as a steppingstone linking relationship between our university and high school students.” The 'YU Metaverse Campus' has already become a hot topic because students' voluntary cooperation created it. Earlier this year, the YUMC club at YU created the YU campus using Minecraft, a representative platform that implements the metaverse. In the metaverse, the main buildings still symbolize YU: the central library, student union hall, open-air auditorium, Cheonma Art Center, and International Exchange Center, built as their actual shapes on the YU's campus. In addition to constructing the exterior of the campus building, social relationships in daily campus life are realized and maintained as it is in the metaverse world, where students share information and conduct various events. For example, in the library's reading room, only YU students can know and share pieces of information such as good restaurants near YU, tips for course registration, and test information. In addition, the entrance ceremony earlier this year, led by students, and various exchange meetings and events like a farewell party for military service are also taking place. < YU metaverse campus video produced by the club named YU YUMC> ▶ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjrtwqlYpQQ
- PR team
- 2021. 12. 29
- 2021. 12. 23
- 16318
Exchange students, professors, staff, etc., operate educational and cultural programs, and cooperate for joint research. SUNY Korea, the first American university to open in Korea, Korean campus. Synergy in global education and research activities will be expected. [December 20, 2021] YU(President CHOI Oe-chool) and The State University of New York, Korea, President MIN Won-ki) signed MOU between the two universities. At 3 pm on the 20th, in the conference room on the 3rd floor of the main building of YU, YU President Choi Oe-chul met with the SUNY Korea President Min Won-ki agreed to cooperate for exchange and development between the two universities. According to the signing of this agreement, the two universities also cooperated for ▲exchange student program ▲exchange of professors, researchers, and faculty members ▲development and operation of educational and cultural programs ▲joint research. With this agreement, the two universities will lay the foundation for mutual exchange for academic growth in education and research and the development of human resources such as professors, staff, and students. President MIN Won-ki said, “It is meaningful to conclude this MOU with the YU, a higher education institution that plays a pivotal role in education and international expansion in the field of Saemaul movement and international development. We, two universities, actively engaged in global education and research activities, are expected to create synergy by signing the agreement.” President CHOI Oe-chul said, “I understand SUNY is playing a major role in nurturing future-oriented human resources with an international sense. I hope that the signing of this MOU will serve as an opportunity for each university to leap forward by sharing the excellent educational and research assets and know-how of both universities. The State University of New York, Korea, is the first American university opened in Korea. It is the Korean campus of the State University of New York at Stony Brook and the Fashion Institute of Technology. It provides the same education as the campus in New York, USA, and professors from the United States teach all classes in Korea.
- PR team
- 2021. 12. 29
- 2021. 12. 20
- 15988
The 8th Agrifood Future Planning Group ‘Grand Prize’… 300 people of 102 teams, including university students in related majors, participated ‘Suggestion of innovative measures for distribution of agricultural products in elderly farms through benchmarking of young farmers’ is well received 23% additional revenue generated by applying direct marketing activities to local aged farms [December 23, 2021] <The YU Horticultural Life Science students who won the ‘Grand Prize’ by the 8th Agrifood Future Planning Group> (From left: LEE Go-eun, SEONG So-min, KIM Bu-kyung YU students won the grand prize of the 8th Agricultural Food Future Planning Group hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation. Those glorious winners are KIM Bu-kyung and SEONG So-min (4th grade) and LEE Go-eun (3rd grader) from YU's Horticultural and Life Sciences department. The Agrifood Future Planning Group, established in 2014, is a community of young people who wish to advance into the agri-food industry. The Agri-Food Future Planning Group youth carry out various activities such as monitoring and promoting agro-food policy projects, suggesting ideas related to the agro-food sector and policy, and visiting companies and exhibitions. In addition, the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation supports young people to enter the food industry through special lectures and interviews with incumbents in the agri-food industry. Three hundred people of one hundred and two teams from universities having related majors across the country were selected to the 8th Agricultural Food Future Planning Group, active for six months from April to October. They held a graduation ceremony on December 10th. A team from the Department of Horticultural Life Sciences at YU ranked first (grand prize) and received an award of 2 million won and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. In addition, the grand prize awarded team will also have preferential treatment when hired as a youth intern at the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation. The Department of Horticultural Life Sciences team at YU received good reviews by suggesting a distribution innovation plan for agricultural products for elderly farmers by benchmarking young farmers in the Gyeongbuk region. In addition, the YU team proposed the development of applications to promote direct trade and a plan to create innovative jobs in agricultural product distribution that can coexist between young and elderly farmers. “We benchmarked the successful distribution cases of young farmers in Gyeongsangbuk-do,” said KIM Bu-kyung. By applying SNS marketing or direct transaction activities used by young farmers to elderly farms growing shine muscat in Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, we created an additional 23% or more profit compared to the existing revenue. It seems to have received a good evaluation because it came up with a specific way to generate gains through confirmed performance results of recruiting farms and applying sales and marketing activities,” he said. They also said, “We are proud of our field of study, agriculture. We will continue to study the agricultural industry continues in the future,” revealing their strong ambitions.
- PR team
- 2021. 12. 29
- 2021. 12. 23
- 15604
KIM Jeong-soo (-90 kg class) ‘Gold’, SEO Min-hyun (+100 kg class) ‘Silver’, KIM Min-soo (-73 kg class) ‘Bronze’ Finished the season with a runner-up finish in the team competition [December 21, 2021] <Yeongnam University Judo Athletes who won individual competitions in the 2021 Jeju Cup National Judo Competition> (From left: CHOI Won-ho, SEO Min-hyun (2nd place at +100kg), KIM Min-su (3rd place at -73kg), KIM Jeong-su (1st place at -90kg), LEE Kyu-in Manager Lee Jung-hwa) The YU Judo Club (Director LEE Jung-hwa) finished the season with excellent results, finishing second in the team competition, including one gold, silver, and bronze in the individual match, respectively, at the 2021 Jeju Cup National Judo Competition, last round of the 2021 season. In this competition held at the Jeju Sports Complex from December 13th to 16th, Kim Jeong-soo (20, sophomore, physical education) from YU's judo team won the men's college -90kg class, Min-hyeon Seo (20, sophomore in the Department of Special Physical Education), who participated in the +100kg class, won a silver medal, Minsu Kim (20, sophomore in the Department of Physical Education), who participated in the -73kg class, won a bronze medal, respectively. KIM Jeong-soo, who won the gold medal, advanced to the final by defeating HONG Seung-yeon of Korea Sports University in the quarterfinals with a shoulder throw. In the final, he won the championship with half wining judgement from a hug jumping against KIM Jae-min of Yong-in university. Furthermore, he proved that he is the strongest in their weight class by the 2nd wining, after the victory of the national collegiate judo federation match of men and women held in September 2021 by a decisive ippon throwing away KIM Jae-min in the final. YU Judo team coach LEE Jung-hwa said, “It is deplorable that the tournament could not be held normally this season due to the impact of Corona 19. Although our players showed good performances in the individual competition, it is regrettable that we could not show all the skills of the YU judo team in the team event due to injuries during the individual match. However, I will work hard in winter training and challenge to win the team event next year.”
- Pr team
- 2021. 12. 29
- 2021. 12. 21
- 15636