Faculty students of YU College of Medicine reported, “Analysis of credibility and beneficiary of Youtube on effect of Vitamin C.” Insertion in an international journal in integrated medicine area Self-control of uncritical acceptance of Youtube information and motive for stopping exaggerated advertisements of health functional foods [April 07, 2022] <From the left, Professor JANG Min-cheol of Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of YU College of Medicine and student LEE Hyeon-song of 4th grade of Department of Medicine> “The Youtube content that Vitamin C is effective in prevention and treatment of COVID-19 is reliable?” Faculty students of YU College of Medicine reported an interesting result of a study on credibility and beneficiary of Youtube information on the effect of Vitamin C in prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The thesis in which lead author is LEE Hyeon-song, a 4th-grade student of YU College of Medicine and the corresponding author is Professor JANG Min-cheol of Department of Rehabilitation was reported through Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2.446 of IF), an international online integrated medical journal. In the thesis, various kinds of information shown in Youtube in relation to intake of Vitamin C as one of known alternative therapies for treatment of COVID-19. There has been known reliable therapy against COVID-19 which was prevalent since 2020. Therefore, general population had no way but to be interested in nutrients or alternative therapy which are easily available. It was identified whether Vitamin C, one of the most common nutrients, is actually effective in prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and whether Youtube videos have reliable and beneficial information. LEE Hyeon-song, the lead author of the thesis, said, “According to precedent studies, it is difficult to say that Vitamin C is actually effective in prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Youtube videos containing corresponding subjects were evaluated. It was identified through the study that Youtube videos have low reliability and beneficiary. I hope that general population does not uncritically accept Youtube videos and does not use unnecessarily alternative therapies. Pharmaceutical companies and heal functional food companies may stop the marketing activities that Vitamin C is beneficial against COVID-19.” Professor JANG Min-cheol of Department of Rehabilitation said, “The study was conducted with a subject which may be easily contacted by general population and may be interested for a study at the level of a faculty student of College of Medicine. I am, as the tutor, proud of insertion of the thesis in an international journal. I want students challenge in studies on various areas helpful for faculty students. If possible, I hope to conduct studies on medical data with us of AI with faculty students.”
- PR team
- 2022. 04. 13
- 14652
Two organizations gathered capabilities for cultivation of female professional manpower and expansion of gender equality culture Head-to-head for women’s policies, study on cultivation of local tailored female professional manpower, and generation of jobs for female college students [April 07, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) and Gyeongbuk Women’s Policy Development Institute (President, HA Geum-suk) concluded an agreement on cultivation of female professional manpower and expansion of gender equality culture. The agreement was concluded in Large Conference Room on F3 of YU Head Office on the 7th and main staff of both organizations including KIM Jae-chun (Vice-President of Education Innovation), MOON Yong-seon (President of Human Right & Gender Equality Center), and HA Geum-suk (President of Gyeongbuk Women’s Policy Development Institute participated in the ceremony. Both organizations agreed to gather capabilities for ▲ Cooperation in establishment of local women’s policies and sharing of expert, ▲ Holding joint forums and workshops for generation of gender equality policies and women’s jobs, ▲ Establishment of connection systems and sharing of information for generation of jobs for female college students, ▲ Development of studies and education on cultivation of local tailored female professional manpower, etc. Gyeongbuk Women’s Policy Development Institute was established in 1997 to design long-term development and develop policies for development of local women, to support development of local women’s capabilities and their activities, and to support cultivation of female professional manpower and generation of good jobs for women. President HA Geum-suk of Gyeongbuk Women’s Policy Development Institute said, “It is expected that detailed and practical activities will be made for establishment of gender equality policies and generation of women’s jobs through the agreement with YU that is a local base higher education institution. KIM Jae-chun (Vice-President of Education Innovation of YU) said, “YU has been supporting expansion of gender equality culture and generation of jobs for youth through professional agencies such as Human Rights & Gender Equality Center and College Job Plus Center, etc. in the university. It is meaningful that the agreement was made with Gyeongbuk Women’s Policy Development Institute which has professionalism in gender equality and female capability development and social participation policies. I hope that this agreement acts as a motive for active exchange of human infrastructure and experts between both organizations for implementation of gender equality policies and cultivation of local talents.”
- PR team
- 2022. 04. 13
- 2022. 04. 07
- 14781
Being selected as the agency to implement Saemaul Undong Invitation Training Project by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security Training for public officials of three countries, i.e. Ethiopia, Malawi, and Zambia Performance of education/training in Saemaul International Development area was internationally accepted. [March 18, 2022] <Saemaul Undong Training with invitation of 2019 Ethiopian SNNPR Leaders> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) was selected as the agency for 2022 Saemaul Undong Invitation Training Project by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. This project is a part of ODA (Official Development Assistance) to contribute in eradication of poverty and improvement of local citizens’ life in developing countries by sharing development experiences and Saemaul Undong in Korea with the public officials and village leaders, etc. of developing countries. Public contest was conducted for five educational courses for eight countries in 2022 and YU was selected for two Saemaul Undong Invitation Training Courses for three countries, i.e. Malawi, Ethiopia, and Zambia. YU intends to provide training two times in July and August for about eveey 10 days with invitation of more than 30 public officials and village leaders, etc. from three countries. YU intends surveyed situation and educational demand in three African countries for this training In advance, deduced strategic points of Saemaul Undong, and intends to provide education about local application measures for Saemaul Undong in systematic, mental, and practical aspects through the training. <Saemaul Undong Training with invitation of 2019 Ethiopian SNNPR Leaders - Field learning for Gyeongsan-si Mushroom Farmers> President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “The performances of YU accumulated in Saemaul International Development area were accepted. Korea had been supported by international societies but was officially accepted as an advanced country last year. Now, Korea has to play an elegant role of an advanced country in international society. YU intends to make a new start for “cultivation of talents to contribute in human society” this year, i.e. 75th anniversary. YU will contribute to common prosperity and sustainable development of global human beings over regions and countries.” Saemaul International Development Education/Training of YU has been domestically/internationally accepted already. YU has been providing Saemaul Undong Invitation Training for the Ministry of Public Administration and Security every year since 2018, was recently selected as the agency to implement KOICA 2022 Global Training Project, and intends to operate “Azerbaijan infectious disease prevention/management course” for frontline health staff and high-level staff of Azerbaijan. Ethiopian SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region) Saemaul Undong Policy Training” program conducted by YU was selected as the best example in “Excellent 2018 KOICA Global Education/Training Case Contest. Such performances were possible because YU had organizational foundation specialized in and experiences and expertise accumulated for a long time in education, research, and business areas in Saemaul International Development Area. YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) and International Development & Cooperation Center are the representative cases. PSPS was established in November 2022 to cultivate global Saemaul Leaders for developing countries. Graduates from PSPS are working as professionals of Saemaul Development and regional development in the whole world and form a global human network for globalization project of Saemaul Undong. Also, YU International Development & Cooperation Center plays the role of a global base education agency in Saemaul International Development area to provide local public officials and public agency employees with education/training programs to establish development strategies and support regional development policies in developing countries.
- PR team
- 2022. 03. 24
- 2022. 03. 18
- 15400
Central Club Expo - YU Club Association, on 16th and 17th 3,000 students of 77 clubs make activities in eight sections including academy, service, athletic, and art [March 16, 2022] “Freshmen of Student ID 22! Join clubs and enjoy pleasant campus life!” The college event restored vitality of campus after a long time. Central Club Expo was held for freshmen of YU at opening of 2022 new semester lectures. Central Club Expo is an event to be held in March every year and senior members of clubs explain properties, activities, situations of clubs to freshmen and recruit members on the street. The event could not be held for two years due to dispersed COVID-19. The EXPO was held by YU Club Association (Chairman CHO Se-hyeon) on 16th and 17th on Cheonmaro of the campus and more than 60 clubs of eight sections (refinement, academy, applied academy, language, religion, service, athletic, and art) of YU Central Clubs participated in the event and made club member recruitment activities for freshmen and current students. In the EXPO, not only Central Clubs but also Student Ambassador and international ambassador students of YU made PR activities for students in separate booths and UBS of YU Educational Broadcasting also made PR activities to recruit trainee reporters. Also, Student Counseling Center operated a student counseling booth and internal student-counseling programs got positive responses from students. Chairman CHO Se-hyeon (4th grade of Department of Korean Education) of YU Club Association said, “Clubs are the spaces opened for all YU students to share hobbies and interests. I think campus life may be more valuably and pleasantly enjoyed through club activities. As it is a contact club event held first time in recent three years, students seem to expect so much and have large interest. In addition to Student ID 22 students, it seems that there are many students who could not enjoy proper campus life due to COVID-19. Students will be able to enjoy more pleasant campus life if they get various kinds of information on clubs through the EXPO and make activities after joining interested clubs.” Meanwhile, about 3,000 students joined 77 clubs consisting of eight sections in Central Clubs of YU club Association. Sectional clubs are introduced on the website of YU Club Association (www.yuclub.co.kr).
- PR team
- 2022. 03. 24
- 2022. 03. 16
- 15615
Hand-in-hand by college and public agency for cultivation of industry-tailored talents and generation of jobs for the youth Development and operation of industry-academy cooperation programs and cooperation to strengthen network to generate jobs for the youth [March 18, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) and National Pension Service concluded an agreement on the work for cultivation of industry-tailored talents and generations of jobs for the youth. The agreement ceremony was held at 4:00 p.m. in 18th in Large Conference Room on 3F of YU Head Building and JEONG Jin-yeong (Chairman of Employment Office), PARK Jeong-bae (Planning Director of National Pension Service), LEE Myeong-ho (Daegu Regional Manager), and other staff of both organizations participated in the ceremony. YU Employment Office and National Pension Service Daegu Regional HQ agreed in ▲ Cooperation in industry-tailored talent cultivation project, ▲ Development and operation of industry-academy cooperation programs, and ▲ Strengthening of network to generate jobs for the youth. With conclusion of the agreement, both organizations decided to make detailed agreements on operation of field practice programs to strengthen working capabilities of public agencies including National Pension Service, employment (job) academy, and mentoring programs for industrial complex staff and students. JEONG Jin-yeong (Chairman of Employment Office) participated in the agreement ceremony and said, “Colleges and public agencies will hand in hand to cultivate regional talents and generate jobs for the youth. Both organizations will gather forces to develop and implement various industry-academy cooperation programs to cultivate tailored talents asked by industries.”
- PR team
- 2022. 03. 24
- 2022. 03. 18
- 14857
Acceptance of Yu’s educational course by the government with advanced reflection of social demand Selection of the first freshmen for 2022 2nd Semester … acquisition of master’s degree in health through 100% online classes Configuration of fused subjects with medical IT technology and health medicine service, etc. - Cultivation of professional healthcare manpower [March 14, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) will open a department in the graduate school to get a master’s degree through 100% online classes from 2nd semester in 2022. Department of Smart Healthcare of YU Environmental Health Graduate School was selected for online master’s course by the Ministry of Education.It is an online graduate school course installed by YU to cultivate professional healthcare manpower to meet developed health and medical technology and entry into a super aged society. There is the evaluation that a systematic educational course was configured to meet social changes including demand for new industries and to be linked with specialization strategies and teaching-learning strategies of colleges. The master’s course of Department of Smart Healthcare of YU Environmental Health Graduate School consists of five semesters (24 credits) and entrance quota is 20 persons (planned).The first freshmen will be selected for the 2nd semester and graduates will get a master’s degree in health. Especially, differentiation from traditional health areas collects attention. Differentially from the theories and practice training of traditional health areas, the course will be focused in learning of new healthcare areas in which medical IT technology and healthcare service are fused with reflection of social changes and in actual application of such areas. For this, professors of various academic areas such as physiology, electric engineering, family medicine, preventive medicine, and pharmacology, etc. will take charge of classes. Opened subjects include ▲ Smart Healthcare, ▲ 4th Industrial revolution and healthcare, ▲ Critical access to health therapy, ▲ Tailored medicine, ▲ Health in life, and ▲ Drugs in life, etc. Education demanders are expected to be fairly wide. It is expected that not only hospital/clinic personnel and general administrative staff including healthcare professionals such as nurses and physical therapists, etc. but also general citizens who intend to improve theoretical knowledge on and practical capabilities for new health improvement method will be interested in the course. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “It is the result that Yu’s innovative educational course in which social demands are reflected in advance matched rapidly changing social environment and governmental policy changes. We will continuously innovate educational courses to lead social changes not only in specific academic areas of graduate school courses but also in all undergraduate and graduate academic areas. Meanwhile, online degree courses of general colleges are operated by general colleges rather than remote colleges (cyber colleges) through 100% online classes after approval by the Ministry of Education.Six majors were selected for six colleges including YU, Korea University, and Kookmin University this time and YU is the only one from Yeonghonam or Gangwon territory.
- PR team
- 2022. 03. 24
- 2022. 03. 14
- 14777
In “LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall” equipped with advanced online video meeting systems “Metaverse Entrance Ceremony” planned and conducted by college seniors (metaverse club YUMC) [February 28, 2022] <YU 2022 freshman representative took an oath of admission> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) held 2022 Entrance Ceremony on the 28th. The entrance ceremony was held online due to COVID-19 at 11:00 a.m. on 28th in “LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall” which was recently constructed by YU. “LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall” is equipped with advanced online video meeting systems for online live relay of multinational conferences, international academic meetings, and seminars, etc. With declaration of entrance permission by CHOI Oe-chool, President of YU, 4,861 freshmen having Student ID 22 became the students of YU. In the ceremony, such alumni as YOON Dong-han (Chairman of the Alumni Association), LEE Cheol-woo (Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor, LIM Seong-hun (Chairman of Daegu Bank), and Singer LEE Chan-won, etc. congratulated their entrance with video messages. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU, said, “We welcome the freshmen of YU that is the best private university in Korea. YU is a real global campus for foreign students from more than 70 countries of the world to study together. I hope that you will develop the ability to realize your grand dreams with challenging spirits. Also, I respect and thank your parents for their dedicated efforts until now. Now, YU staff will do their best for education with the mind of parents. YU will guide you and provide you with sufficient support so that you may grow to be talents to contribute to human society as well as individual self-actualization. I hope parents’ large interest and cheering.” <Metaverse club YUMC and President CHOI Oe-chool prepared 2022 Mwtaverse Entrance Ceremony of YU> The entrance ceremony collected attention because it was held with the metaverse entrance ceremony together. The metaverse club YUMC (Yeungnam Univ. Minecraft Server) consisting of YU students planned the entrance ceremony and the ceremony was held from 2:00 p.m. Last year, the students voluntarily constructed “YU Metaverse Campus” and collected attention. They constructed YU Campus with use of Minecraft which is the representative platform to construct metaverse and held “YU Minecraft Open Campus” ceremony with invitation of high school students to YU Metaverse Campus in December last year <YU Metaverse Entrance Festival>
- PR team
- 2022. 03. 10
- 2022. 02. 28
- 15338
Joint operation of “Azerbaijan infectious disease prevention and management course” Education and training for Azerbaijan local medicine management HQ until 2024 Leading “global public cooperation system activation” to meet international societies’ crisis including dispersion of infectious diseases [March 03, 2022] <Scene of YU> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) and YU Medical Center (President & CEO, KIM Jong-yeon) were selected as the agencies to implement 2002 Global Training Project by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). KOICA Global Training project is a human resource development (HRD) project to support self-development of developing countries by transferring the experiences in Korean economic/social development to cultivate future core talents to lead national development of developing countries. As YU and YUMC were selected for this project, they will jointly conduct Azerbaijan infectious disease prevention and management course for three years from this year to 2024 for frontline heal staff and high-level staff taking in charge of infectious diseases in The Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABİB). They will help managers and frontline staff to take active measures to meet environmental changes in the times of global infectious diseases by enhancing their capabilities to manage infectious diseases through the training and will support construction of an effective crisis management system through infectious disease management governance and innovation of policy coordination. Especially, it is expected to make contributions in deducing infectious disease management action plans and seeking for both countries’ cooperative project models to be applied in the country by sharing D-Quarantine (Daegu Quarantine) model, which was the precedent of K-Quarantine. <Scene of YU Mwdical Center (YUMC)> KIM Ki-soo (Chairman of YU Educational Development Cooperation Network) and LEE Gyeong-soo (Chairman of Industry-University Research Office) who take in charge of the training course said, “We will continuously have discussions on the measures to connect Korean ODA (Official Development Assistance) project with Azerbaijan infectious disease management policy and to maintain and expand exchange & cooperation network between YU and trainees.” This is not the first time that international development education/training program of YU was accepted by KOICA. “Ethiopian SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region) Saemaul Undong Policy Training” program was selected as the best example in “Excellent 2018 KOICA Global Education/Training Case Contest.” At that time, KOICA selected Global Saemaul Education of YU as the most excellent case in 120 countries’ global education/training programs provided for three years and six months since 2015. In July last year, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) upgraded Korea from a developing country to a developed country. As Korea was accepted as a developed country in international society, international demand for development experiences of Korea is expected to increase. Korea jumped to a developed country through a developing country with international societies’ support and the role of Korea as a developed country is asked now. Therefore, the role of YU in international development and cooperation area is more expected. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU commented, “The fact that YU was selected for KOICA project means that the performances of YU in education and training in international development and cooperation area were accepted by a publicly credible external agency. YU has academic assets and educational/training experts as well as medicine and health. We will continuously expand international development and cooperation area cultivate talents to contribute in human society in order to open diverse ways for future generations to make activities in international society. Meanwhile, YU has been cultivating core talents of developing countries for Asia, Africa, and Middle/South America, etc., has been dispersing academic Korean wave of YU focused in Saemaul, and has been implementing various international exchange programs since inauguration of President CHOI Oe-chool in February 2021.Also, YU has active discussions with Royal University of Phnom Penh and Western University, etc. of Cambodia on establishment of Department of Saemaul Economic Development, plural degree courses, and implementation of student exchange programs and YU Medical Center have a discussion with St. Augustine University of Tanzania on development of regional societies and installation of Department of International Health.
- PR team
- 2022. 03. 10
- 2022. 03. 03
- 15168
- PR team
- 2022. 03. 10
- 2022. 03. 03
- 14728
College members including President and student council performed morning cleaning and met freshmen on the first day of a new semester. Foreign students of Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) also participated in campus purification activities. “Fresh environment is the start of healthy campus life … participation of many students is required.” [March 02, 2022] At 7:30 a.m. On March 2, college members including President and student council gathered early in the morning of the first day of a new semester. They made campus cleaning activities to greet students coming to the campus with 2022 freshmen after a long time. In the service activities managed by YU student council, more than 100 college members including major professors such as CHOI Oe-chool (Professor) and SEO Bo-geon (Dean of Students) and representative students of student council, club association, Central Audit Committee, and college student councils, etc. participated. KANG Tae-wook (Chairman of YU Student Council, 4th grade of Department of New Materials) said, “I planned this campus purification activity to cheer freshmen who come to the university campus for the first time the students who come to the university after a long time since COVID-19 event. I think it is the start of healthy campus life to make our living surroundings to fresh environment. I thank President, college staff, and foreign students for their active participation.” Especially, more than 30 foreign students of YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) participated in the activity and executives/employees of Daegu Bank YU Branch also participated.” More than 100 YU members were divided into two groups and made campus purification activity starting at Cheonmajimun, the gate of YU. They made purification activity for one hour in International Exchange Center, Student Hall, surroundings of integrated lecture building, and Cheonma Art Center frequently visited by students. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “I am proud of the students who are voluntarily making the valuable our living campus to clean spaces. It is more meaningful because the door of new 2022 semester is opened with students’ campus purification activity. This is the 75th anniversary of YU. YU intends to make a new start to cultivate talents to contribute to human society starting this year. Leading example for happiness and safety of others starts with minor practice such as campus cleaning service. The college will provide every support so that they may become talents to achieve large dreams starting at minor practice and actions.”
- PR team
- 2022. 03. 10
- 2022. 03. 02
- 14813