Acceleration for achievement of the vision of “A creative & innovative university to contribute to prosperity of human societies” Held various events for 75th Anniversary - Held photo exhibition of 75 years and opened History Hall Finale of the festival with a commemorative concert with local residents [May 13, 2022] <Congratulatory message by President CHOI Oe-chool of YU> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) held 75th Anniversary and accelerated achievement of the vision of “A creative & innovative university to contribute to prosperity of human societies.” At 14:00 on the 13th in LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall of YU Cheonma Art Center, 75th Anniversary was held and Chung Hong-won (Former Prime Minister), KIM Kwan-yong (Former Governor of Gyeongsangbuk-do), CHOI Young-jo (Mayor of Gyeongsan-si), JOO Ho-young (Assembly Member), KIM Sang-hun (Assembly Member), KIM Seung-su (Assembly Member), HONG Seok-jun (Assembly Member), HONG Won-hwa (Chairman of Korea Council for University Education), HAN Jae-sook (Chairman of Yeungnm School Corporation), LEE Jong-woo (Director), LEE Si-won (Director), YOON Sang-hyeon (Director), KIM Jin-sam (Director), YOON Dong-han (Chairman of YU Alumni Association), LEE Cheol-woo (Director of Alumni Association), LEE Sang-cheon (Former President of YU), LEE Hyo-soo (Former President of YU), SEO Gil-soo (Former President of YU), KIM Bong-sik (President of Honorary Professors Association), KIM Sam-soo (President of Professors Association), KWON Ki-young (Chairman of Employee Union), and KANG Tae-wook (Chairman of YU Student Council), etc. congratulated the anniversary. KIM Byong-joon (Chairman of Special Committee for Balanced Regional Development of 20th Presidential Transition Committee) congratulated the anniversary through a congratulatory video. <Congratulatory message by Chung Hong-won (Former Prime Minister)> Former Prime Minister Chung Hong-won said in his congratulatory message, “The history of YU for last 75 years is the same way with Korean modern history. To meet the educational vision, i.e. cultivation of pillars for national revival, asserted by Former President PARK Chung-hee who is the founder, talents of YU have become the leaders of Korean development. First of all, I’d like to give you a warm round of applause in relation to globalization activities of Saemaul Undong which has been made by YU.Although the vision of global prosperity is the whole human challenge to be made by international societies, it has been independently tried by YU. I salute President CHOI Oe-chool for his endeavors to achieve the dream of global prosperity that is the hope of whole human. The slogan of 75th Anniverssary, “75 years with people and 75 years shared with human” shows the essence of educational goal oriented by YU until now. Due to the firm vision towards better future, brighter future of YU is expected. I wish YU to grow to be a prestigious school in the world through continuous moving forward with its growth power. I expect that internationalization activities of Saemaul Undong of YU are upgraded to a national project.” <Commemorative speech by HAN Jae-sook (Chairman of Yeungnm School Corporation)> President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said in his commemorative speech, “Last 75 years of YU was the 75 years shared with the people in the bright development of Korea. Korea was officially accepted as an advanced country by international societies last year and should play the role and fulfill the responsibility to meet the prestige of an advanced country. To meet such role and responsibility, YU intends to suggest a new vision, 75 years to be shared with human.YU intends to cultivate talents to contribute to global prosperity.” indicating a new start. He also said, “Domestic colleges are suffering from a lot of difficulties including continuous reduction of school-age population and centralization of the metropolitan area, etc. YU accelerates innovation including drastic reorganization of educational systems and educational courses to become a university to be accepted by education demanders, i.e. the students. Such endeavors made such performances as achievement of 99.9% of freshman recruit rate and large scale governmental financial support projects including RIS Project, and Link 3.0 Project, etc. This is the result of endeavors of all YU members. All YU members should gather power to satisfy the order and wish of Yu’s song, <Become the creators of a new history for the people and for the human>, celebrating the 75th anniversary of YU. Young people should dream lovely children, achievement of self-actualization, and contribution to human society.” In the anniversary, excellent Staff were awarded. Award was given to 41 long-term service Staff, 7 excellent professors of Cheonma Honors Lecture, 18 excellent professors of lectures, 16 excellent researchers, 9 model Staff, and 5 persons (by Alumni Association) and Industry-Academy Promotion Team and Cheonma Art Center Operation Team were selected as model teams. Especially, Songam LEE Jong-woo Achievement Award was prepared in the anniversary and was given to 3 professors for their contributions in development and innovation of YU.Songam LEE Jong-woo Achievement Award was given using KRW 200 million of development fund donated by Director LEE Jong-woo of Yeungnam School Corporation in order to award selected Staff who made large contributions in development of YU. Meanwhile, YU planned and is implementing various events for 75th anniversary. Before the anniversary, 75th Anniversary Photo Exhibition, <Watched! Met!, and Talked!>, was held at 14:00 on the 13th. In the exhibition, more than 100 photos showing historical moments of YU since foundation to 2020 are shown by year. History Hall was opened at 1:00 on that day to show 75 years of history including foundation and development of YU. History Hall is on the second floor of YU Museum and is a full-time exhibition space to show various data, videos, and panels of developmental unification process of Daegu College and Cheonggu College which are the ancestors of YU, development of campus, main performances of YU, and activities of alumni, etc. At 7:00 in the evening, a commemorative concert was held for local citizens for 75th Anniversary in the Grand Hall of YU Cheonma Art Center. Performances were made for the audience of invitation cards by singers LEE Chan-won and Ailee who are alumni of YU, WJSN, Norazo, Seomoon Tak, Project Rock, JUNG Hye-rin, and JUNG Eun-ju and an orchestra consisting of HAN Yong-hee (Tenor), LEE Dong-hwan (Bariton), BAEK Yoon-hak (Conductor), and YU alumni finished the anniversary as a ground of festival.
- PR team
- 2022. 05. 19
- 2022. 05. 13
- 14467
Seeking for the role of education for global prosperity by international organizations, senior public officials, NGOs, and academic societies, etc. BAN Ki-moon (Former UN Secretary-General) asserted Education ODA, world citizen education, and global leadership education in his basic lecture. Sharing of new educational paradigm for sustainable development of the world Suggestion of a vision, “Cultivation of talents to contribute to human society” [May 10, 2022] <Global Forum, 75th Anniversary of Yeungnam University> “Global Forum, 75th Anniversary of Yeungnam University” was held to seek for role of education for global prosperity. It was held to share new educational paradigm asked for global sustainable development and to suggest future vision of YU for cultivation of talents to contribute to development of human society. Staff of international organizations, ambassadors to Korea, senior public officials, and professionals of academic societies and NGOs participated in the global forum held in LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall of YU Cheonma Art Center for two days on the 10th and 11th and the forum was broadcasted in real time through YouTube. David Beasley (Secretary General of WFP) sent a congratulatory telegram and Michael Reiffenstuel (German Ambassador to Korea), LEE Cheol-woo (Director of YU Alumni Association), Hang Chuon Naron (Minister of Education, Youth, and Athletics of Cambodia), and JEONG Jin-taek (Korean Association of Private University Presidents) made congratulatory speeches in the opening ceremony of the global forum. David Beasley (Secretary General of WFP) said in his congratulatory telegram, “Korea had been one of the countries received the most support but has become one of top 15 supporting countries. Korea is said as a marvelous case in international societies which inspired Zero Hunger program. Especially, Saemaul spirit of Korea is a core case to show the value of WFP, <Sharing development experience to help localized development and other persons>. “Saemaul Hunger Zero” project implemented by WFP in the world made considerable achievements. YU is in the center by making Saemaul Undong a scholarly culture and by possessing the professional knowledge and know-how. When binding development experiences of Korea with execution capability of WFP in a large scale, Saemaul Undong may be used for unite of local societies and socioeconomic development. I hope that the discussions in the global forum of YU become the ground to understand and share the role of education for free and brighter future out of hunger,” indicating the meaning of the global forum. The global forum started with a basic lecture of BAN Ki-moon (8th General Secretary of UN and Chairman of BAN Ki-moon Foundation for Better Future). Chairman of BAN Ki-moon said three topics, i.e. Education ODA, world citizen education, and global leadership education, in relation to the role of education for global prosperity and asserted roles of advanced countries in education ODA, responsibility and liability of world citizens in human society, and qualification of global leaders to solve global issues. Especially, he said, “It is the foundation of sustainable development to guarantee inclusive and fair qualified education for all persons. Joint human endeavors are required to improve poor educational situations of developing countries. In case of Korea, drastic expansion of support is required to meet the prestige of an advanced country. Education ODA should have the property and clear goals and subjects. YU is the best model. YU established Department of Saemaul International Development, Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul, and International Development & Cooperation Center, shares economic development experiences of Korea focused on Saemaul Undong with the world, and contributes in global antipoverty and prosperity by cultivating international development leaders. Saemaul Undong is evaluated as the most successful local society development model in the contemporary history of the world. It will contribute to sustainable development of developing countries.” <Global Forum, 75th Anniversary of Yeungnam University (BAN Ki-moon (Former General Secretary of UN)> The forum was held in the afternoon in three sections. YOON Sang-jik (Former Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy) took charge of chairman in Session 1, SHIN Seong-cheol (Former President of KAIST) made keynote presentation on subject of <Changes in global environment and changes in educational paradigm>, HAN Kyeong-goo (General Secretary of Korean Committee of UNESCO), RYU Jeong-woo (President of Pennsylvania State University Duboys Campus), and Suos Yara (Assembly Member of Cambodia) made presentations. In Session 2 with the subject of <Yu’s education to share development experiences of Korea with developing countries>, KIM Jae-choon (Vice-President of YU Education Innovation) took charge of chairman. Session 2 was started with keynote presentation by KIM Ki-soo (Chairman of International Development & Cooperation Center) and KIM Young-mok (Former Chairman of KOICA and Representative of G&M Global Culture Foundation), Rotana Kieng (President of Western University of Cambodia), and Wylbur Simuusa (Zambian Ambassador to Korea) participated as presenters. LEE Hyo-soo (Former President of YU) took charge of chairman of Session 3, SOHN Hyeok-sang (Chairman of KOICA) make keynote presentation on the subject of <Role of education for global prosperity>, Danilo Lardizabal Concepcion (President of National Philippine University), Mekuria Teklemariam (Minister of Ethiopia), YOON Jong-jin (Local Government Officials Development Institute), and Arthur Lee (President of SUNY Korea) made presentations. <Global Forum, 75th Anniversary of Yeungnam University (Congratulatory message by President CHOI Oe-chool of YU)> President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “This forum provides a ground for YU, which has cultivated leaders of Korean development for last 75 years, to declare the will to be reborn as a university to lead sustainable development of the world and contribute to qualitative improvement of human life for 75 years in future. Especially, as Korea has become an advanced country, it should share its development experiences with developing countries and universities should suggest the direction to seek for human prosperity through global educational & research activities. YU has been making educational endeavors to cultivate global talents to lead development of developing countries. This forum should provide a ground to evaluate Yu’s endeavors for cultivation of global talents, to suggest direction of universities’ education innovation and effective strategies, and to suggest education models to cultivate talents to contribute to human society.” Meanwhile, on the second day of the forum on the 11th, research results were presented by students. YU held a contest of “Global Challenge Story” to strengthen capability of global leaders in order to improve global challenge spirit of students and lead global prosperity. The contest was divided into <Direction of researches for global prosperity> (graduate school part) and <My future and global future as global leaders> (undergraduate part), 5 persons and 1 team were selected as winners, and award ceremony is conducted before the forum. The winners show the sentences and videos of their research in the global forum.
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- 2022. 05. 19
- 2022. 05. 10
- 14330
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- 2022. 05. 19
- 2022. 05. 06
- 14238
Conclusion of a business agreement on legal counseling service with Disabled Right Protection Agency in Daegu Metropolitan City Configuration of counselors of Legal Clinic Center with 10 practical Staff and 23 students Continuous endeavors to support vulnerable groups and legal blind-spots More than 230 cases of counseling in recent five years [May 12, 2022] <Business Agreement between YU Law School and Daegu Disabled Right Protection Agency> (Chairman KIM In-ah and President LEE Dong-hyeong from the second on the left) YU Law School (President LEE Dong-hyeong) and Daegu Disabled Right Protection Agency (Chairman KIM In-ah) concluded a business agreement on development of local societies and social contribution. In the agreement ceremony, YU Law School promised to support victims through legal counseling cooperation with recognition of serious increase in disabled abuse cases. It was agreed to gather capabilities to contribute to development of local societies through Yu’s social contribution and service activities. As the agreement was made, both organizations will cooperate in ▲ Legal counseling to support disabled victims of abuse, ▲ Cooperation projects to improve disabled rights, ▲ Academic research for protection of rights of the disabled, ▲ Service activities for social contribution, and ▲ Cooperation projects for development of local societies and social contribution, etc. YU Law School is a prestigious school which recorded the highest bar exam pass rate in whole country and has contributed to development of local societies through free legal counseling before concluding this agreement. Legal Clinic Center consisting of former judges and prosecutors, 10 lawyers, and students has been operated and legal counseling was provided for local residents, school staff, students, etc. in cooperation with Free Legal Counseling Center of Federation of Korean Trade Unions Gyeongbuk Gumi Branch, Gyeongsangbuk-do Disabled Right Association, and YU Student Council, etc. Chairman KIM In-ah of Daegu Disabled Right Protection Agency said, “We will try for restoration of disabled victims of abuse and prevention of recurrence of abuse by providing legal counseling service through this agreement,” indicating the will for effective disabled support services. President LEE Dong-hyeong of YU Law School expressed aggressive will for support saying, “I strongly agree in necessity for legal support of disabled victims of abuse. We will actively contribute to development of local societies through social contributions and will fulfill social responsibility of the university.” Meanwhile, Disabled Right Protection Agency will protect disabled victims of abuse by providing disabled victims of abuse with the best support services through medical support by YU Medical Center as well as legal support by YU Law School.
- PR team
- 2022. 05. 19
- 2022. 05. 12
- 14181
University members and Alumni Association, etc. gathered in a place and hold a vision declaration ceremony on the 75th Anniversary. One voice for achievement of the vision of “A creative & innovative university to contribute in prosperity of human societies” Built a consensus for “Development plans for education innovation, management strategy, industry-academy studies, international education, and medical center” [April 25, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) suggested a new vision and a powerful sump started on the 75th Anniversary. YU held a vision declaration ceremony in LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall of Cheonma Art Center at 2 pm on the 22nd. YU suggested a new vision and students, professors, staff, and all members of the university including Alumni Association made a determination for a new start. Chairman YOON Dong-han of the Alumni Association, Faculty Chairman KIM Sam-soo, Chairman KWON Ki-young of Labor Union, and Chairman KHANG Tae-wook of YU Student Council as well as Chairman HAN Jae-sook of YU Educational Foundation and President CHOI Oe-chool of YU participated in the ceremony and made a determination. The vision declaration ceremony was held by YU to suggest the blueprints to achieve educational goals in future 75 years and to share the development plans with the members. New vision suggested by YU on the 75th Anniversary is “A creative & innovative university to contribute in prosperity of human societies.” The vision has the meaning to contribute in prosperity of human societies by creating the values to be shared for global win-win, by escaping from existing college systems and customs, and by leading creation & innovation. YU suggested Sharing, Service, and Creativity as the enhancement values of human societies. The policy to achieve the vision of the university is that five areas such as education innovation, management strategy, industry-academy studies, international education, and medical center will establish innovation goals consisting of ▲ Construction of education innovation systems for education demanders, ▲ Sustainable stabilization of the university and strengthening future competitiveness, ▲ Leading growth power of the university through innovation of industry-academy studies, ▲ Substantialization and diversification of international education systems, and ▲ Construction of foundation for development of medical center and establish and execute 15 innovation strategies and detailed execution tasks. The vision declaration ceremony was on/off-line broadcasted through YouTube in real time and university operation plans for the five areas were also presented. Vice-presidents to manage the areas presented policies and a Q&A session was provided for university members. Especially, the vision declaration ceremony was meaningful in the respect that all university members gathered in a place and made a single voice for development of the university one year after April in last year. The members had such earnest desire to achieve sustainable development and vision of the university. Last year, YU members gathered in a place and declared joint cooperation to overcome survival crisis of the university and for sustainable development of the university and such united look of university members became a topic of discussion. Chairman HAN Jae-sook of YU Educational Foundation attended the vision declaration ceremony and said, “The 75 years of YU is an honorable and proud history which has been made with the people and is the national history of Korea. Current educational environment put in front of us requires continuous challenges and limitless changes and innovations. It is very meaningful to have a place to share future vision of YU in such a time. It will be a valuable first step for the happiness and welfare of future generations. I want that all the university members try for development of the university in one mind and will since the vision declaration ceremony held today. I hope that YU will lead prosperity of the people and human beings and make hopeful future.” <Chairman HAN Jae-sook of YU Educational Foundation (Left) and Chairman YOON Dong-han of the Alumni Association (Right)> Chairman YOON Dong-han of the Alumni Association commented, “It may be said that 75-year history of YU is the history of Korea. More than 250,000 alumni cultivated by YU have been with the development of Korea. I think what embodied dream and hope that is the motive power for development is a vision. It is possible to make a history by sharing and implementing the vision with the members. Today’s vision declaration ceremony will be a starting point to realize the dream and generate a history. More than 250,000 alumni will support the university in one voice to achieve the vision.” In the vision declaration ceremony alumni working in every class of society including politics and business such as Mayor CHOI Yeongg-jo of Gyeongsan-si, President Lim Seong-hun of DGB Daegu Bank, Manager SHIN Tae-yong of National Soccer Team cheered development of the university and participated in achievement of the new vision through videos. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “YU has been with growth of Korea with achievement of the value of school foundation spirit, that is, “cultivation of pillars of the national restoration,” for 75 years since foundation in 1947.Today’s vision declaration ceremony is a place for YU to take the first step for a second jump with the wings of a new vision, that is, “A creative & innovative university to contribute in prosperity of human societies.” Korea is the only country among more than 240 countries in the world which developed from a poorest country to an advanced country. Korea is accepted as an advanced country by international societies and should share its experiences in development with the world and should play the suitable role. YU will start cultivation of qualified talents to lead development to an advanced country and talents to contribute in human societies. I want all YU members unite minds to achieve the goal and vision for cultivation of talents of YU.”
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- 2022. 04. 27
- 2022. 04. 25
- 15705
President CHOI Oe-chool delivered “A+ Snack” on the first day of 1st semester midterm exam. He encouraged students distributing them Fried Tofu Rice Balls and beverages with Student Council together. [April 20, 2022] “Take A+ Snack and good luck on the exam! I cheer you, students!” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU and Student Council delivered snacks early in the morning. They cheered students who were studying in YU early in the morning for midterm exam. At 8 o’clock am on the 20th, the first day of 1st semester midterm exam in 2022, front side of YU Central Library was crowded with students visiting the library in spite of early morning. On that day, President CHOI, professors, and Student Council encouraged students with distributing Fried Tofu Rice Balls and beverages to those who visited the library early in the morning to study for their exams. Chairman KHANG Tae-wook (4th grade of Department of New Materials) of YU Student Council prepared the A+ Snack Project and said, “Student Council and University HQ have been preparing snack projects every semester to cheer students who study hard without even breakfast during the period of exam. In addition to this snack project, Student Council will actively make support help students for study and school life.” Delivery of the snack started in the morning at YU Central Library and was also done at 12 o’clock in the plaza of LEE Jong-woo science Library and snack sets for 800 students were delivered. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU cheered students saying, “I know that students are studying in more difficult environment than ever due to prolonged dispersion of COVID-19. I am pleased to see students who study hard early in the morning even in the difficult situation. Students must be difficult and tired for study for exams and for preparation for employment but I want them to use a little more power knowing that teachers and schoolmates cheer them always.
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- 2022. 04. 27
- 2022. 04. 20
- 15620
Analysis of emotion of Twitter and commenters using deep learning graph technology Possible use for decision making systems and for searching fake news based on context Report in recent version of <Information Sciences>, an internationally famous journal in computer science area [April 20, 2022] <Professor HWANG Do-sam of Department of Computer Engineering (Left) and Research Professor Phan Thi Huyen Trang (Right)> “Is it possible to evaluate commenters’ emotions through analysis of online comments?” Research Team of Professor HWANG Do-sam of YU Department of Computer Engineering showed the answer to this question. Research Team of Professor Hwang developed a new model (CANN-SSCG: Convolutional Attention Neural Network – Semantic Syntactic Context Graph) to analyze emotion of users included in big data. Graphs of structures, meanings, and contexts of written texts were drawn using this model, these three different graphs were integrated to a graph, and emotion of commenters was analyzed using convolutional attention neural network. The research team explained the performance of the research saying, “Deep learning and graph technologies in next-generation’s advanced research area were used.When various data including twits and comments were tested, a result improved by 7.75% compared with previous meaning analysis methods was obtained. The developed model may be used for context-based decision-making systems and for searching fake news.” The performance of the research was reported in recent version (April, 2022) of < Information Sciences >, an internationally famous journal within higher 11% of computer science area, with the title of “Convolutional attention neural network over graph structures for improving the performance of aspect-level sentiment analysis.” The research was jointly conducted with Poland. Research Professor Phan Thi Huyen Trang of YU Department of Computer Engineering participated as lead author and Professor HWANG Do-sam and Professor Ngoc Thanh Nguyen of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology led the research as co-corresponding authors. Especially, the research team attracted attention of academic society with development of a system to help third party’s decision making by analyzing emotion of commenters and measuring satisfaction levels with use of deep learning technology and fuzzy determination structure last year. Professor HWANG Do-sam led the research team and said, “Good research performances have been obtained through practical international exchange activities with a Polish research team for many years. The research conducted as BK21 Project of National Research Foundation of Korea is evaluated as a model case of international cooperative joint researches. I plan to develop an emotion analysis system to use an integrated graph structure that includes domain knowledge in addition to structure, meaning, and context graph.” Meanwhile, the research was conducted as BK21 Project of National Research Foundation of Korea and Professor HWANG leads credible AI SW system fusion education & research team that uses big data analysis.
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- 2022. 04. 27
- 2022. 04. 20
- 15287
Endeavor for construction of industry-academy cooperation model to strengthen capabilities of HRD Team and local enterprises’ manpower Being selected with main large enterprises and public enterprises together … The only college agency Contribution in enhancement of enterprises’ competitiveness by strengthening capabilities of human resources of local enterprises [April 19, 2022] <Shape of component quality course training for personnel of automobile component manufacturers by YU SME HRD Team> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) was selected as “Joint training center with excellent performances in 2021 national human resource development consortium.” Project operation performances of YU SME HRD Team were accepted with achievement of more than 230% of the goal of 2021 national human resource development consortium. As YU was selected as an excellent-performance joint training center, KRW 20 million of project operation expenses will be paid to YU SME HRD Team. YU, LG Electronics, Samsung SDI, Samsung Heavy Industries, Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries, and Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corp. were selected as excellent-performance joint training centers. Main large enterprises and public enterprises were selected and YU is the only one among universities/colleges. YU SME HRD Team provided education to strengthen capabilities of core industrial personnel in Southeast Territory in the areas of △ Automobile components, △ Logistics, △ Foreign trade, and △ Smart manufacture last year. 1,344 enterprise persons significantly exceeding 584 persons of original goal of the project completed the education and the social contribution activity of the university was externally accepted through cultivation of talents of local enterprises. Manager LEE Gyeong-soo of YU Industry-Academy Cooperation Team said, “Educational condition was poor in whole country due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. It was the result of close survey of demand for education by various manufacturing industries and active communication with contracted enterprises. We will enhance the capability through re-education of manpower of local industries and will construct an industry-academy cooperation model to enhance productivity of local enterprises and to be equipped with global competitiveness.” Meanwhile, YU SME HRD Team received a plaque of appreciation of job capability development project with acceptance of contribution in development of job capability development project by Human Resources Development Service of Korea in December last year and is accepted as a professional education institution to re-educate and to strengthen capability of manpower of local industries.
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- 2022. 04. 27
- 2022. 04. 19
- 15146
Selection as an agency to implement the “Korea Foundation (KF) Global e-School Korean Language Education Project.” Opening as a regular course in foreign leading colleges including Mongol, Vietnam, China, etc. Professors who majored in Korean language education led National Korean Language Education Project with acceptance of their professionalism. [April 04, 2022] <Online Korean language course is being filmed in YU studio (Professor LEE Mi-hyang of Faculty of International Studies)> Korean language course of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) is exported abroad. YU was selected as an agency to implement “Korea Foundation (KF) Global e-School Korean Language Education Project.” The purpose of “(KF) Global e-School Korean Language Education Project” is to supply foreign colleges, which have a large demand for Korean language education but insufficient professional manpower for various kinds of Korean language education, with VOD-type online lectures through domestic-foreign college linkages. Due to this selection, YU will supply foreign leading colleges with middle-level Korean language courses as a regular subject. The course to be supplied by YU is a Korean language course for faculty and the course is opened in foreign colleges as the same courses for credit completion. YU will implement the project for three years from this year to 2024. In this semester, the course will be opened in six colleges in four countries (Mongol National University, HUE University in Vietnam, Xi'an International Studies University and Xi'an International University in China, Kyrgyz Institute of Languages and Cultures, and Korean College of Central Asia) and will be expanded to Uzbekistan, Italy, and Philippine, etc. in next semester. <Online Korean language course is being filmed in YU studio (Professor Seo Hee-jeong of Department of Korean Language and Literature)> YU’s Korean language lectures are produced by Professor LEE Mi-hyang of Faculty of International Studies (Project Manager) and Professor Seo Hee-jeong of Department of Korean Language and Literature, who majored in Korean language education, in an advanced studio of YU. Foreign students will take the lectures through the lecture portal system (LMS) of YU for 16 weeks in a semester. Professor LEE Mi-hyang of Faculty of International Studies said she taught Korean language for 25 years and commented, “YU has been developing competitive education contents based on professionals’ field experiences. It has been opening and operating various middle-level Korean language lectures such as <Academic writing>, <Academic presentation>, and <Language culture of Korea> for faculty foreign students for more than 10 years ago and the course has become a benchmarking case of other colleges. I am pleased that the YU’s course is exported abroad through KF Global e-School as a part of the national project. A motive for YU students majored in Korean language to expand international exchange including participation in foreign internship was provided through this project and it is expected that network will be formed with more foreign colleges.” Meanwhile, professors majored in Korean language education in YU lead national Korean language education projects through development of Korean language texts for Turkish middle and high schools for 2021-2022 (National Institute of Korean Language) and development of translation & interpretation texts by Sejong Hakdang in Chinese and Mongolian territories for 2021-2022 and the professionalism and educational & research expert in Korean language education area is accepted internally and externally accepted.
- PR team
- 2022. 04. 13
- 2022. 04. 04
- 15318
Acceptance of GTEP Team for completion of 15th course and educational course performance by KTA Ministers’ Award to Team Manager and Minister’s Prize and KTA Prize to completed students Birthplace of youth foreign trade professionals equipped with theory and practice of foreign trade to meet enterprises’ demand [April 05, 2022] <From the left, SOHN Hyo-gyeong, Manager LEE Jun-hee, and BAE Gi-hun of YU GTEP Team> Global Trade Experts incubating Program (GTEP) of YU won Award of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy and Prize of KTA in 15th GTEP Completion Ceremony. In the completion ceremony, Professor LEE Jun-hee of Faculty of Foreign Trade, the leader of YU GTEP, won the award of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy for contribution in formation of foreign trade infrastructure and national/social development. Professor LEE has made various activities as the manager of the project for the youth to improve their capabilities as trade professionals through visit of enterprises by GTEP students, domestic/foreign internship and employment activities, and support of foreign exhibition activities. In the ceremony, Students BAE Gi-hun and SOHN Hyo-gyeong (4th grade of Faculty of Foreign Trade, YU) of 15th GTEP Team won the Prize of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Prize of KTA, respectively, for acceptance of their sincere completion of the course and performances of activities. LEE Jun-hee, GTEP Manager of YU, said, “YU has been operating GTEP Team for 20 years and has the education curriculum to cultivate professional trade manpower. We will make full support so that students may grow as trade professionals equipped with practical experiences for prompt use in the field as well as trade theory asked by enterprises.” YU GTEP Team is an internally and externally accepted birthplace of youth trade professionals. YU has been cultivating youth trade professionals for 21 years from 2002 (TI (Trade Incubator) Project of the Ministry of Industry and Resources) until now. The students of GTEP Team are improving their capabilities through theories of foreign trade including market analysis, foreign marketing, and buyer counseling education, etc. as well as education for language and foreign trade practice and through visit of foreign EXPO with staff of small and medium enterprise. They visit foreign EXPO with the enterprises in Daegu/Gyeongbuk and their capabilities for launching business in foreign markets are accepted by the industry. Meanwhile, in 15th GTEP Completion Ceremony held in KOEX on March 31, YOON Seok-yeol president-elect participated in the event to meet youth trade national team and encouraged students.
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- 2022. 04. 13
- 2022. 04. 05
- 15543