More than students and staff started global service activities with YU Social Contribution Group Launching Ceremony Plan regular service activities once a month at least including campus purification activity and sharing service for the socially underprivileged, etc. Planned to organize an overseas voluntary service team and for dispatch in this winter [November 9, 2022] <Members read a written oath in YU Social Contribution Group Launching Ceremony> YU Social Contribution Group of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) was officially launched. YU held YU Social Contribution Group Launching Ceremony in the morning on the 9th in LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall of YU Cheonma Art Center with participation of student and staff service team and President CHOI Oe-chool.YU declared a new vision, “University of Creativity and Innovation Contributing to the Prosperity of Humanity,” in its 75th Anniversary this year. YU Social Contribution Group launched on this day is a part of the members' vigorous leap forward to achieve the new vision of YU. In the launching ceremony, President CHOI Oe-chool handed the social contribution flag to Manager KIM Jeong-hun of YU Social Contribution Group and then reading of a written oath by student and staff representatives of YU Social Contribution Group and member appoint certificate conferment ceremony was provided. Starting with this launching ceremony, the YU Social Contribution Group, which consists of more than 200 YU students and staff, will begin regular activities. YU Social Contribution Group will regularly make service activities once a month at least.It plans to expand the base to various social contribution activities that may be carried out in and out of the campus, such as volunteer activities practiced in everyday life including campus cleaning activities, sharing activities targeting the socially underprivileged, and activities linked to local volunteer centers.It also plans to expand school-wide recruitment of students and staff members each year. Especially, in this winter vacation, it will restart overseas voluntary service programs that had been stopped for last two years due to COVID-19 Pandemic. YU plans to organize Overseas Voluntary Service Group consisting of students and staff focused on YU Social Contribution Group and dispatch it to Cambodia, etc. for two weeks and to expand the countries and members step by step. Student HA Yoon-seok (3rd grade of Department of Saemaul International Development) , who read written oath as the representative of students, said, “I feel that the interest and importance of social contribution activities are growing not only in everyday life, but also in corporate activities and the international community. I expect that YU Social Contribution Group will play the role of the center of service activities. I will continuously carry out social contribution activities by planning and discovering volunteer activities as well as group service activities.” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “I thank the students and staff for participation in YU Social Contribution Group with a consensus on the new vision of the university as the members of YU.YU Social Contribution Group will plan and operate differentiated social contribution programs. I hope they grow up to be the talents who will fulfill their roles and responsibilities and contribute to human society as the members of global community as social members starting with small service activities in their surroundings.
- PR team
- 2022. 11. 25
- 2022. 11. 09
- 13371
Three undergraduate students in the 4th grade of the department, “Study on blood sugar variability and the course of severe pneumonia” The greater the early glycemic variability, the higher the mortality rate of patients with severe pneumonia and the longer the hospitalization period Published in the latest issue of <Annals of Medicine>, an international academic journal in the field of internal medicine [November 2, 2022] <Research Team of Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, YU School of Medicine> (Clockwise from left above, Professor JEONG Seung-min Jung, 4th grade students KIM Eun-song, KIM Ji-yeong, and KIM Seong-ho) Students of YU College of Medicine published a thesis on blood sugar volatility and the course of severe pneumonia in an international journal. A research team consisting of seniors of the YU College of Medicine conducted a retrospective study by collecting data from pneumonia patients hospitalized in the ICU of YU Hospital for about two years.As the analysis result of the data, it was fund that, in case of patients with pneumonia, the greater the glycemic variability within 48 hours of entering the intensive care unit, the higher the mortality rate within 28 days and the longer the hospitalization period in the intensive care unit. The research team explained the performance of the research saying, “The result of the study shows that early blood glucose volatility affects the prognosis of severe pneumonia not only in diabetic patients but also in patients with glycated hemoglobin less than 7.5%, whose blood sugar control is relatively easy. It indicates that active blood glucose monitoring is needed for patients with severe pneumonia, regardless of diabetes. KIM Eun-song, KIM Ji-yeong, and KIM Seong-ho (4th grade of YU College of Medicine) participated in the study and Professor MOON Joon-seong and Professor JEONG Seung-min of Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine led the study.The thesis was published in latest issue (October, 2022) of Annals of Medicine, having 5.348 of IF, an international academic journal in general medicine and internal medicine. The research team showed its successive research plan by saying, “We are planning a study using a continuous blood glucose meter that can more accurately determine blood glucose variability than the fingertip blood glucose measurement method.” Meanwhile, Department of Internal Medicine of YU College of Medicine strengthens research capability of faculty students with operation of Endocrinal Class System.They are improving their research capability as medical personnel from the time of faculty students by guiding 3rd grade students for medical research and preparation of theses and by motivating participation and thesis presentation in academic conferences in/out of university.
- PR team
- 2022. 11. 25
- 2022. 11. 02
- 13162
High-level public officials of the Central African Republic, Saemaul Undong training in YU for two weeks Special lectures & field training on Saemaul Undong seeking for application and localization measures for Saemaul Undong [October 25, 2022] <President CHOI Oe-chool gives a welcome speech in opening ceremony of special Saemaul training program with invitation of Central African Republic officials hosted by KOICA> High-level public officials of the Central African Republic appointed by the president visited YU President CHOI Oe-chool. Their purpose is to seek for localization measures for Saemaul Undong with participation in Saemaul Undong training program. Saemaul Undong training program of YU is already internationally acclaimed.Institute for International Development Cooperation of YU was dispatched to SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region) with support by KOICA and conducted a Saemaul Undong policy training program for 700 provincial public officials.This program was selected as the most excellent global training program of KOICA with acceptance of excellent performance of the program.The training was provided on the aggressive request by SNNPR governor of Ethiopia. Trainee team of Central African Republic started the special training two weeks after the training opening ceremony hosted by KOICA in LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall on the 18th. The trainee team included 21 high-level and practical-level public officials in core departments/offices of central government of Central African Republic such as the Ministry of Urban and Housing, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land Balance and Development, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Economic Planning and International Cooperation, Administration, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. including minister-level president's office advisors. The trainee team had the opportunity to look at Korea’s development and to learn about the principles and performances of Saemaul Undong through field training in Cheongdo Saemaul Undong Origin, Busan, Ulsan, Pohang, Gumi, and Seoul including special lectures on the principles and strategies of Saemaul Undong, economic development of Korea, and local development and governance of Korea, etc. During the training period, they establish detailed action plans for application and localization measures of Saemaul Undong based on understanding of theories and field learning. Prior to the training, Honore Feizoure, president’s office advisor, met President CHOI Oe-chool of YU and showed his intention to open Department of Saemaul Economic Development in Central African Republic and YU and Central African Republic decided to have detailed discussions in future. President CHOI Oe-chool said, “Korea is the only country in the past 70 years which jumped up to an advanced country from the poorest country through a developing country. It is the recognition of international society that Saemaul Undong is at the foundation of such bright development. I think that it is the liability of Korea, which jumped up to an advanced country, shares the experiences in Saemaul Undong and national development with developing countries. I will provide active support for sharing academic knowledge and education/research know-how of Saemaul Undong accumulated in YU as well as the opening of Department of Saemaul at the university of Central African Republic. Meanwhile, YU has been operating Saemaul training program for public officials of developing countries with establishment of International Development & Cooperation Center in 2013 to support establishment of development strategies and local development policies in developing countries. Until now, more than 3,200 persons from 86 countries received the training and have been acting in local development areas in their countries. The training was provided for public officials of Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, and Azerbaijan this year and will be provided for public officials of Cambodia next to Central African Republic.
- PR team
- 2022. 11. 10
- 2022. 10. 25
- 14253
Double happy events with Rank 1st by female player KIM Ji-young of Female Judo Team in National Competition for Kurash World Championship Recognition of extraordinary athletic ability of KIM Ji-young over Judo, Kurash, and Ssireum [October 26, 2022] <YU Judo Team won University Team Event in 2022 Autumn Korean Male & Female University Judo Competition> (Source: Korea Judo Association) YU Judo Team (Manager: LEE Jeong-hwa) acquired double happy events. YU Judo Team acquired double happy events in Male University Team Event in 2022 Autumn Korean Male & Female University Judo Competition and KIM Ji-Young (2nd grade of Department of Special Athletic Education) of Female Judo Team ranked at 1st place in National Contest for Kurash World Championship. First, YU Judo Team raised got unearned win in the first round, won Kookmin University with 4:1 of score in semifinal round, won Sunmoon University with a 4:1 score in final round, and lifted the championship trophy in 2022 Autumn Korean Male & Female University Judo Competition held in Jangseong Gymnasium, Taebaek-si, Gangwon-do from 16th to 19th.In the Individual Event of the championship, Player KIM Jeong-soo (3rd grade of Faculty of Physical Education, -90kg Level) ranked at 1st place and Player CHOI Won-ho (4th grade of Department of Special Athletic Education) received Best Player Award of the championship. Player KIM Ji-young (center in below-shown photo) ranked 1st place in National Contest for 13th Kurash World Championship held in Namgung Judo Hall, Cheongju, Chungbuk on 22nd and will participate in the world competition to be held in India on 11th.Previously, Player KIM Ji-young acquired a gold medal in 2022 Korea Kurash Association National Athlete Contest in May and qualified for 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou. Kurash is Uzbekistan's traditional martial art and is similar to Judo. It was adopted as a regular item in 2018 Jakarta Palembang Asian Games. Player KIM Ji-young is accumulating careers as a Kurash player and shows excellent ability as a sports player in Judo, Kurash, and Ssireum including 1st place in 14th Gurye Strongest Women and University Strong Ssireum Competition held in Gurye, Jeonnam in September. Manager LEE Jeong-hwa of YU Judo Team said, “I thank players for receiving hard training in a difficult environment. Especially, I’d like to applaud KIM Ji-young for pioneering and leading a new sport as well as judo. We will show good results in the world competition and Asian Games in Hangzhou.
- PR team
- 2022. 11. 10
- 2022. 10. 26
- 14129
“Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest” and presentation of “My life in Korea,” etc. for foreigner students Enjoyed the festival with traditional dances and songs of the world as well as Korean traditional plays including stick throwing Understanding of Korean language and culture and strengthening sense of belonging by foreigner students [October 28, 2022] PSPS of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) held “2022 Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest & Global Saemauler Festival.” It is a global cultural festival provided for foreigner students to enhance their understanding of Korean language and culture and to strengthen their sense of belonging. In Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest held in YU Fork Village held in the morning on 28th, 11 foreigner students of YU PSPS from five countries including Indonesia, Myanmar, Sierra Leone, etc. participated.Foreign students made Korean presentations with such subjects as “What is Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul for me?” and “My life in Korea,” “The happiest time in my life,” etc. <A foreigner student of PSPS makes a presentation in Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest> In the contest, Supriyadi Slamet (3rd Master’s of Department of Sustainable Development) from Indonesia ranked 1st place with a presentation on the subject of “What is Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul for me?” Ms Supriyadi Slamet expressed her feeling by saying, “I am learning Korean language through a Korean language class in graduate school. It seems that I could get a good result with significantly enhanced ability in Korean language during preparations for this Korean speech contest. I’d like to enjoy this global festival with Korean traditional plays with foreign students studying at YU with me together. <Winners of Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest> Next to Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest, Global Saemauler Festival was held in the afternoon.More than 70 persons consisting of students and professors of PSPS and students of YU Saemaul Club had the opportunities to enjoy Korean traditional plays such as stick throwing, Jegi kick, hoop roll, and arm wrestling, etc. Also, foreigner students from many foreign countries had an opportunity to understand others’ cultures by showing traditional dances and songs of them and by showing fashion shows with their traditional clothes. <Foreigner students of PSPS enjoy stick throwing, a Korean traditional play> <Foreigner students of PSPS enjoy Jegi kick, a Korean traditional play> Dean LEE Hee-wook of YU PSPS prepared the event and said, “They would have an opportunity to experience easiness of Korean characters and to upgrade their Korean ability by writing and presenting their experiences in Korean language which they obtained during studying in Korea. I hope that they may have an opportunity to approach Korean culture more by experiencing Korean traditional culture at the festival. I hope that they may have an opportunity to experience diverse Korean culture and to get good memories as well as enhancing their Korean ability and major knowledge of Saemaul during studying at YU PSPS. <Foreigner students of Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul enjoy Korean traditional culture, Samulnori performance> Meanwhile, Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) of YU was founded in 2011 to cultivate Saemaul leaders of developing countries. Foreign students studying in PSPS consist of public officials planning policies in respective countries, employees of public institutions, social activists, and professional workers, etc. differently from students of faculties or graduate schools. They study Korean language and complete master's degree courses during a relatively short 18-month study period and YU has been providing Korean Speech Contest and Korean culture experience events to supply them with wider experiences in Korean culture.Now, 43 foreigner students from 19 countries such as Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia, Indonesia, Colombia, and Costa Rica, etc. are studying and, until now, 724 persons from 66 countries received master’s degrees in Saemaul Study and are working as main policy establishers, international development professionals, and Saemaul Undong leaders in central ministries/offices, public institutions, and international development NGOs, etc.
- PR team
- 2022. 11. 10
- 2022. 10. 28
- 13702
Advertisement of main activities of the project team such as participation in 2022 Daegu International Future Mobility Expo Introduction of specialized education and industry-university cooperation program, etc. for cultivation of tailored talents for future car conversion [November 01, 2022] <2022 Daegu International Future Mobility Expo (An electric car manufactured by YU students)> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) starts regular implementation of Local Government & University Cooperation Based Regional Innovation Project (Regional Innovation System, hereinafter referred to as RIS). YU is the central university of RIS Project being implemented by Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Platform and leads Future Car Conversion Component Project.YU’s Future Car Conversion Component Project Team participated in 2022 Daegu International Future Mobility Expo held in Daegu Exco from October 27th to 29th.It intended to lead participation of car component companies through introduction of Future Car Conversion Component Project and to notify a plan to cultivate professional talents of core areas of regional future industries including Daegu-Gyeongbuk Multiversity and major of future car integration. <Metacampus Experience> At the Expo, YU participated in installation of a booth to introduce ▲Future Car Conversion Component Project Team, ▲Meta Campus, and ▲Construction of future car ecosystem and company support, etc.Future Car Conversion Component Project Team’s booth introduced special education such as majoring in future car integration, field campus, and shared campus including Daegu-Gyeongbuk Multiversity (DGM) and advertised regional talent cultivation plan through RIS with introduction of future car departments of universities that participated in Future Car Conversion Component Project Team.Metacampus booth introduced a meta lecture room to use technologies in virtual reality, digital twin, and metaverse.Also, industry-academy cooperation programs to construct regional future car ecosystem such as Gyeongbuk Techno Park Company Support Project and employment-linkage programs were introduced and Formula Car (electric car) manufactured by YU was exhibited. <A YU student introduces self-manufactured electric car to a foreign company’s person in 2022 Daegu International Future Mobility Expo> Director SA Jong-yeop of YU’s Future Car Conversion Component Project Team (Professor of Department of Future Car Engineering) said, “YU opened car engineering area as a specialization department in 2016 and has been cultivating professional talents to lead future car industry. The performances industry-academy cooperation and the educational and research know-how accumulated by YU are expected to generate synergy effects. As conferences have been holding with universities, research institutions, and companies since first year of RIS Project and rapid actions are made to put the project at regular level through participation in Expo, etc., I believe that RIS Project led by YU will become of success model of regional innovation project. RIS Project is implemented to establish a mid-to-long-term development plan to meet industrial demand with construction of a regional innovation platform by local governments, universities, and regional innovation agencies and to innovate university education and regional industries linked with core areas selected to meet development plans. Daegu-si, Gyeongbuk-do, 23 universities including Kyungpook National University and YU, 14 regional innovation agencies and research institutions, and more than regional companies participate in the project. Reorganization of education system and cooperation with regional innovation agencies will be done focused in core areas with investment of KRW 331.2 billion for five years in maximum. YU will manage Future Car Conversion Component Project Team and will implement the project by ▲ Cultivating tailored talents to meet future car conversion and supporting regional settlement of the youth with opening of major of future car integration, ▲Operating shared campus of Daegu-Gyeongbuk innovation universities for future car conversion, and ▲ Constructing a company-collaboration hub to make future car ecosystem. Gyeongsangbuk-do, regional universities, regional innovation agencies, research institutions, and mid-sized regional car component companies will implement the project with formation of a government-industry-research cluster.
- PR team
- 2022. 11. 10
- 2022. 11. 01
- 13515
Continuous good evaluation by an internationally credible evaluation institution Evaluation of 1,799 universities in 104 countries of the world including 37 Korean universities Domestically 6th in Leiden Ranking, world-level research power with domestically 1st for consecutive 8 years the area of mathematics & computer science [October 17, 2022] 2023 Korea University Ranking evaluated by THE (Times Higher Education) Korea ranking World ranking University 1 56 Seoul National University 2 78 Yonsei University 3 91 KAIST 4 163 POSTECH 5 170 Sungkyunkwan University 6 174 UNIST 7 201-250 Korea University 8 251-300 Kyunghee University Sejong University 10 401-500 Hanyang University 11 501-600 GIST 12 601-800 Ajou University Chung-ang University Konkuk University Ulsan University 16 801-1000 YU Ewha Womans University Kyungpook National University 19 1001-1200 Chonnam National University Inha University Jeonbuk National University Pusan National University Sogang University YU ranked 16th in Korea in “2023 World University Rankings” reported by THE (Times Higher Education), a British global university evaluation institution. YU jumped two places from 18th last year. Recently reported “THE World University Rankings 2023” included 1,799 universities in 104 countries of the world.In case of Korea, 37 universities including YU, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and KAIST, etc. included in the ranking list. Ewha Womans University and Kyungpook National University as well as YU ranked 16th in Korea. THE established in 1971 is one of the most prestigious global university evaluation institutions in the world and has been reporting world university ranking every year since 2004.Universities are evaluated based on five indexes such as Educational condition(30%), Research performance (30%), Thesis citation count (30%), Globalization (7.5%), and Industrial research budgets (2.5%). Especially, THE ranking is recognized as having high credibility worldwide as strict standard is applied focused in research and educational conditions rather than reputation of universities. Evaluation by “2022 Leiden Ranking” reported in June is further surprising. YU ranked 6th in the overall ranking, a jump from 14th last year.YU showed unrivaled research power with 1st domestic rank for consecutive eight years in the area of mathematics & computer science.Especially, world rank in the area of mathematics & computer science is significantly elevated.World-level research power of YU was recognized with 55th in 1,318 evaluated universities and with 14th in 561 Asian universities.Also, YU showed elevated ranking in most academic areas including domestic 7th in life and earth sciences and domestic 16th in natural science and engineering area.Leiden Ranking evaluates ranking of world universities based on qualitative levels of theses to show research power. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “Educational and research levels of YU are continuously evaluated as good by globally accepted university evaluation institutions. Globally competitive academic areas may be globally recognized regardless of location of universities. I will make all support to enhance educational and research levels of YU in all academic areas.”
- PR team
- 2022. 10. 31
- 2022. 10. 17
- 14221
Contribution to national economic growth by leading industrial tool area … Conferment of honorary doctor of engineering Building the best domestic enterprise based on practical knowledge, field expert, and excellent management capability Fulfillment of social responsibility with donation of billions of KRW to educational institutions, etc. [October 19, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) conferred honorary doctor of engineering to Chairman CHOI Yeong-soo of Cretec (75, middle in upper photo). Hecon contributed to national economic growth through development of Korean tool industry.The ceremony to confer honorary doctor of engineering to Chairman CHOI was held in LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall on 3rd floor of YU Cheonma Art Center at 1:00 pm on the 19th. Chairman CHOI walked a single way of tool industry for more than 50 years with establishment of a responsible guarantee tool company in Daegu in 1971 and founded Cretec, the domestically largest industrial tool distribution company.Cretec is supplied with more than 130,000 items of more than 1,200 domestic/foreign brands and supplies more than 9,000 domestic distributers with them.He contributed to rapid growth of domestic tool industry by systemizing information on diverse industrial tools, by applying standard price system and barcode system for the first in tool industry, by digitalizing product information, and by settling scientific distribution network in domestic tool industry.He is recognized to grow the domestically largest industrial tool distribution company with his expert in practical knowledge and field as a businessman and with excellent management capability by accomplishing customer satisfaction with his management philosophy, “Sincere, honesty and responsible spirit.” As described above, Chairman CHOI has been developing distribution area of domestic industrial tools, was selected as a “New Intellectual” by Small and Medium Business Administration in 2000, received Prime Minister’s Award as a National Excellent Capital Goods Development Company in 2009, and received National Quality Management Competition Industrial Medal and Bronze Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit as well as Corporate Innovation Award, proving his contribution in national industrial development. In 2020, he received “Presidential Citation at the Korea Distribution Awards,” the highest honor in the domestic distribution field. He has continued his wide walk for social development in addition to management of his company. He served as Chairman of Korea Industrial Materials Association Inc. and Vice-Chairman of Daegu Association of Athletics Federation and, now, serves as Chairman of Daegu Metropolitan Saemaul Association.He has been leading sharing activities to fulfill his social responsibilities.He has been leading development of local communities with donation of more than KRW 5 billion including donation for various domestic/foreign disasters to Daegu Prison, Gyeongsang Middle School Baseball Team, and Win-Win Growth Research Center, etc. He paid large attention in cultivation of local talents, too.He donated KRW 500 million for construction of Cretec Hall, a studying space for students, in YU Machinery Hall and promised to donate KRW 500 million to YU for 10 years from 2031 in order to cultivate talents.The amount of donations to educational institutions such as local preliminary, middle, and high schools and colleges/universities reach KRW 2.7 billion. <Chairman CHOI Yeong-soo of Cretec receives honorary doctor of engineering.> Chairman CHOI said, “I had a difficult time several years ago due to worsened health and business. I could gain strength again thanks to the encouragement and support from those around me at the time. I could go one step further by challenging with the mind, ”Giving-up is possible anytime. Let’s try once more.” If I gave up at that time, today’s honorable place would not be possible. I faced on crisis several times with operation of business but, through learning, challenge, and innovation, I came to this place. I will keep this honorary doctor degree deep in my mind. I will go my way with humble and harder attitude. I will neither stop learning nor settle here and will fulfill my social responsibility. I will do my best for bright future of our society.” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU conferred honorary doctorate to Chairman CHOI in the ceremony and said, “When reminding the trace of Chairman CHOI Yeong-soo, the word of “Responsibility” is felt highly meaningful. I think it is easy to say the word of “Responsibility” but it is not easy to fulfill it.Chairman CHOI has been practicing “Responsible management” for more than 50 years since establishment of the company and put Cretec at the highest position in the area of Korean tool industry.The footsteps of Chairman CHOI who has been fulfilling social responsibility as well as management activities will be an example for future generations. YU will also share the large will of Chairman CHOI for sharing and kindness.YU will lead cultivation of elegant talents to lead development to an advanced country and of talents to contribute in human society. Meanwhile, Cretec consists of Cretec Responsibility focused in machinery tools and Cretec Wellbeing focused in industrial safety goods and has 800 employees for KRW 600 billion of sales this year.
- PR team
- 2022. 10. 31
- 2022. 10. 19
- 13902
MOON Ho-joon and KOH Myeong-seok, 4th grade of Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Insertion of a theses in international academic journals Performance of research on production of next-generation energy source hydrogen using a photocatalyst Recognition of global research power with presentation of excellent theses by students every year [October 21, 2022] <MOON Ho-joon and KOH Myeong-seok, 4th grade of Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, who reported theses to international journals> Students of YU Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry inserted their theses as lead authors in famous international academic journals.Such faculty students inserted their theses in international academic journals every year and their research power is internationally recognized. This year, two faculty students from Professor KANG Mi-sook’s Library of YU Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry inserted their theses. The heroes areMOON Ho-joon and KOH Myeong-seok, 4th grade of Faculty.Student MOON Ho-joon’s thesis was determined to be inserted in Applied Surface Science (Impactor Factor: 7.392), a famous international journal in material science, in December and was opened on line in advance and Student KOH Myeong-seok’s thesis was inserted in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Impactor Factor: 7.139). The researches of the two students are related with production of hydrogen, one of next-generation pure energy sources. Student MOON Ho-joon’s thesis is the research on high-performance catalytic synthesis of hydrogen through hydrolysis using solar light. MOON Ho-joon said, “I enhance performances by combining several different catalysis in many researches. However, this time, I enhanced hydrogen production performance with use of a catalyst. Now, most of hydrogen is produced methane and hot steam. For production of 1kg of hydrogen, as large as 10kg of carbon dioxide, a kind of greenhouse gases, is generated. However, the catalyst synthesized in this research is eco-friendly and has large economic effect because it produces hydrogen and oxygen without byproducts.” Student KOH Myeong-seok’s thesis is related with hydrolysis with synthesis of a catalyst. KOH Myeong-seok said, “It was found through the research that hydrolysis performance is significantly enhanced when radiating light on combined photocatalyst of Cadmium sulfide (CdS) and iron sulfide (FeS₂) rather than a catalyst. Also, this photocatalyst showed high stability and traceability in recycling tests.” Such faculty students showed research performances early in faculty and intend to expand their researches.MOON Ho-joon said, “I’d like to conduct researches on fuel cells and lithium ion cells that collect interest as eco-friendly materials. Follow-up researches are planned for electrochemical catalysis.I want to conduct researches on hydrogen evolution reactions to generate more hydrogen by developing anode catalysts.If possible, I want to conduct researches on fuel cells and secondary cells, too.”
- PR team
- 2022. 10. 31
- 2022. 10. 21
- 13335
Room 364 of Machinery Hall, Designation as a lecture room in the name of CEO YOON Sang-myeong of Dongnam HiTech Class 79 Alumnus of Department of Marine Engineering (currently, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Contribution in development of the university and society Support of junior’s learning with donation of KRW 300 million for scholarship last year [October 12, 2022] A lecture room is designated with the name of CEO YOON Sang-myeong (62) of Dongnam HiTech in YU (President CHOI Oe-chool). He donated large amount of development fund to the university and contributed to social development as a businessman. On the 12th, a naming copper plate unveiling ceremony (YOON Sang-myeong’s Lecture Room in YU Machinery Hall) was held in Room 364 of Machinery Hall. A naming copper plate showing the face relievo, main history, and performances of CEO YOON was put on the right wall of the lecture room door. CEO YOON is Class 79 alumnus of YU PARK Yong Department of Marine Engineering (currently, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering). After graduation in 1986, he served as the president of Keumsung Precision Research Institute and, after establishment of Dongnam Mold in 2000, established and has been operating Dongnam HiTech (Dalseong-gun, Daegu), an injection mold and injection molded products manufacturing company, since 2005. CEO YOON has been donating development fund to YU and has been practicing sharing since 2003. Last year, he donated KRW 300 million of scholarship for juniors of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.In 2004, he received commendation of Chairman of Korea Federation of SMEs and was selected as a member of YU Chunma Honors in 2021. CEO YOON attended the ceremony and said, “I have been keeping a mind to repay the benefits of the university since graduation from the university and start of social life. I just donated little by little as a small act, but I don't know where to put my body because a classroom with my name is designated here on campus. I hope this classroom will become the foundation for students to dream and study. I will continue to work hard so that my alma mater can develop and add a small force to the growth of my juniors.” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “It is highly helpful for development of the university to play a role as a businessman and to contribute in development of society but, furthermore, CEO YOON makes tangible and intangible support for alma master and juniors and I thank him. I’d like to express my thanks to the family members attended here. The entrepreneurship and will of a large donation of CEO YOON will be transmitted to juniors studying in “YOON Sang-myeong’s Lecture Room” in full. I will do my best so that YU students may grow to be the talents to contribute in human society over contribution in social development.” YU has been operating lecture rooms having donators’ names of large amount of university development fund since 2018. The purpose is to respect those who have contributed to development of the university and society and to encourage a culture of donation. Meanwhile, at the unveiling ceremony on the same day, the award ceremony for “YOON Sang-myeong Scholarship” was also held. “YOON Sang-myeong Scholarship” is operated with the scholarship fund donated by CEO YOON and one student will be selected from Faculty of Machinery Engineering and supported every year since this year.
- PR team
- 2022. 10. 31
- 2022. 10. 12
- 13562