Samsung Electronics’ C-Lab Outside Gyeongbuk & Gyeongbuk Creative Economical Innovation Center Gyeongsan Branch opened in YU. Invitation of Samsung Electronics’ C-Lab Outside in the college campus for the 1st time in the country … Foundation to activate Youth Startup Activation of local economy by seeking and cultivating excellent venture and startup … Rise as a Venture/Startup Mecca [April 13, 2023] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) rises as the mecca of venture enterprises and startup. Samsung Electronics’ C-Lab Outside Gyeongbuk opened in YU Campus on the 13th. C-Lab Outside is an excellent startup cultivation & support program that has been operated by Samsung Electronics since 2018. Especially, YU is the first case that Samsung Electronics’ C-Lab Outside is installed in a college campus.The performances of education and researches of YU and the industry-academy cooperation network and knowhow of YU were externally recognized.Therefore, YU is expected to play the role of the hub of venture startup ecosystem as well as local talent cultivation. Five enterprises were selected as the subjects for concentrated cultivation for “Samsung Electronics’ C-Lab Outside Gyeongbuk” and will move. Selected enterprises will be supplied with raising spaces and Accelerating (startup enterprise investment and growth supporting) Program of Samsung Electronics. As raising spaces are provided for startup enterprises in the university, contribution will be made in activation of local startup and creation of new jobs and growth supporting and raising foundation will be provided for startup enterprises by forming startup clusters of industry, academy, research, and government. <(From the left) Governor LEE Cheol-woo of Gyeongsangbuk-do, President PARK Seung-hee of Samsung Electronics, Mayor JO Hyeon-il of Gyeongsan-si, President CHOI Oe-chool of YU, and Director LEE Moon-rak of Gyeongbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center are hearing explanation from the staff of moved enterprises of Samsung Electronics’ C-Lab Outside Gyeongbuk.> At 3:00 pm on the 13th, opening ceremony of Gyeongbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center Gyeongsan Branch was held together with Samsung Electronics’ C-Lab Outside Gyeongbuk in YU. In the opening ceremony, President CHOI Oe-chool of YU, Governor LEE Cheol-woo of Gyeongsangbuk-do, President PARK Seung-hee of Samsung Electronics, Director LEE Moon-rak of Gyeongbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center, Mayor JO Hyeon-il of Gyeongsan-si, Chairman BAE Han-cheol of Gyeongsangbuk-do Council, and Chairman WON Yeong-jun of Daegu/Gyeongbuk Small and Medium Venture Business Administration, etc. presented. Gyeongbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center Gyeongsan Branch was established to provide the base for startup training and to construct cooperation system with related organizations in order to activate startup ecosystem.Hopeful small and medium venture enterprises will be sought for and cultivated by providing startup-related education, mentoring, and business support service including enforcement of startup capability and preliminary startup packages based on the education and research infrastructure possessed by YU. President CHOI Oe-chool said, “Youth startup boom is made and foundation for excellent-technology enterprises to grow up is provided in YU Campus.Excellent education and research capability of YU and systematic support by Samsung Electronics having world-best technology will lead innovative growth of local enterprises. YU will make active support so that venture enterprises and startup may grow to be the 2nd and the 3rd Samsung Electronics, lead Korean economy, and launch business in global market.” <YU, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Samsung Electronics, and Gyeongbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center concluded a 4-party business cooperation agreement to support venture enterprises and to seek for startup.> (From the left, Director LEE Moon-rak of Gyeongbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center, Governor LEE Cheol-woo of Gyeongsangbuk-do, President PARK Seung-hee of Samsung Electronics, and Governor LEE Cheol-woo of Gyeongsangbuk-do> In the opening ceremony, YU concluded a 4-party business cooperation agreement with Gyeongsangbuk-do, Samsung Electronics, and Gyeongbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center. According to the agreement, YU and Gyeongbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center will seek for and support local venture enterprises in health care, robot, and material/part areas using human and material infrastructure of each organization and Samsung Electronics will operate a local material venture/startup seeking and cultivation program through C-Lab Outside Gyeongbuk. Gyeongsangbuk-do will make administrative/financial support for local hopeful enterprises.
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- 2023. 04. 26
- 2023. 04. 13
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- 2023. 04. 26
- 2023. 04. 20
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- 2023. 04. 07
- 2023. 04. 01
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Consultation on expansion of Mongolian students between Erdenetsogt Sarantogos (Mongolian Ambassador to Korea) and President CHOI Oe-chool Mongolian national development policy is consistent with core values of the Saemaul Undong … Requirement for close cooperation with YU [April 3, 2023] <Erdenetsogt Sarantogos (4th from the left, Mongolian Ambassador to Korea) met President CHOI Oe-chool and had a discussion on talent cultivation plans including Mongolian students’ abroad-study, etc.> YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) started invitation of Mongolian students. This year, Mongolian students studying at YU have significantly increased.As of April 2023, a total of 57 students are enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and Korean language education centers. Especially, as the Mongolian Embassy in Korea is showing great interest in attracting Mongolian students to YU more Mongolian students will study at YU. On March 23rd, Erdenetsogt Sarantogos, Ambassador of Mongolia to Korea, visited YU. She attended the Spring International Conference of the Korean Mongolian Society held at the YU’s LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall. Before the conference, Ambassador Erdenetsogt Sarantogos met President CHOI Oe-chool of YU. Ambassador Erdenetsogt Sarantogos met President CHOI and agreed that there is a need for practical cooperation between Mongolia and Korea in various fields, such as the necessity of Mongolia's Saemaul development project and implementation erosion control projects in Mongolia that is suffering from climate change and accelerated desertification. Especially, Ambassador Erdenetsogt Sarantogos was highly interested in cultivation of talents including Mongolian students’ study at YU. President CHOI said, “Professionals of Korean development experiences and Saemaul development area will play large roles in Mongolian development. Especially, officials of Mongolian central government and local governments will show synergy effects in establishment and execution of national development policies if they are equipped with the capability and professionality of Saemaul development. We will aggressively help Mongolian officials for their study in YU. YU will play the role to cultivate Mongolian talents as well as officials.” Ambassador Erdenetsogt Sarantogos said, “Mongolia's national development policy is consistent with core values of Saemaul Undong. Yu’s aggressive cooperation is required because its expertise in education, research, and talent cultivation for Saemaul development is internationally recognized. I will make recommendations so that Mongolian talents may study at YU. I hope Mongolian Embassy and YU to have close cooperation for expansion of exchanges between the two countries including Mongolian development. Meanwhile, Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) of YU was established in 2011 to cultivate Saemaul leaders of developing countries. Foreigner students studying in PSPS consist of public officials planning policies in respective countries, employees of public institutions, social activists, and professional workers, etc. differently from students of faculties or graduate schools. Until now, Seven persons (6 graduates, and 1 completion student) from Mongolia studied in the PSPS and returned to work as Saemaul development experts.
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- 2023. 04. 07
- 2023. 04. 03
- 14031
Undergraduate and graduate students belonging to the Smart Power System Research Lab - Development of a new type power flow calculation program Ranked 1st out of 19 participating teams nationwide [March 31, 2023] <Undergraduate and graduate researchers from Smart Power System Research Lab of YU Department of Electrical Engineering> Students of YU Department of Electrical Engineering won first place in “13th Electric Power Industry Software Contest.” The contest was held by Power Technology Division of Korean Electrical Society for power system analysis and application software program development and for the development of power industry-related software and advances into overseas markets. In the 13th Contest held last year, LEE Yoon-seon (graduate school), NAM Jeong-hwan, YOO Yeon-soo, CHOI Won-il, and HWANGBO Jeong-min (undergraduate) from YU Department of Electrical Engineering, belonging to Smart Power System Research Lab (advisor: Professor LEE Sang-bong) of YU Department of Electrical Engineering, won the gold prize by placing first among 19 participating teams nationwide. Their work is AC/DC hybrid power flow calculation using (Newton-Raphson & SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming). Power flow calculation program is used to show in what state the active power and reactive power generated by the generator flow into the power system and what distribution the voltage or current represents at each point in the power system at this time. Especially, in this contest, power flow analysis of AC/DC hybrid system (Integrated AC/DC system) was asked. The team of YU Department of Electrical Engineering programmed two calculation methods, i.e. Newton-Raphson & SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming, for power flow calculation of AC/DC hybrid system. Also, the team compared commercial AC systems with an integrated system for higher suitability. LEE Yoon-seon (graduate school master's course) said, “Power loss may be reduced with economic and efficient operation of power system and Efficient operation of AC/DC hybrid system is possible with application of renewable energy sources. As the result, it is expected to be the foundation of industrial development due to increased available power as well as reduced electric charge.” Smart Power System Research Lab of YU Department of Electrical Engineering intends to improve system analysis method by modeling renewable energy sources and DC equipment and to conduct research on development of economic efficiency evaluation models in consideration of equipment costs and line loss in case of change to an integrated system.
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- 2023. 04. 07
- 2023. 03. 31
- 13426
YU, Tree planting ahead of Arbor Day Planting 36 5-year-old Hovenia dulcis grown in the campus nursery field, hosted by Department of Forest Resources More than 150 participants, including students, professors, and foreigner students [March 31, 2023] YU had a tree planting event ahead of Arbor Day (April 5th). The tree planting event was hosted by YU Department of Forest Resources in Gapje Haksullim of YU Gyeongsan Campus at 10:00 am on the 31st. They planted 36 5-year-old Hovenia dulcis grown in about 1,000㎡ of the campus nursery field. In the tree planting event, more than 150 students and professors from YU Department of Forest Resources participated. Especially, foreigner students of YU PSPS participated in the events and had the time to experience forest rehabilitation and forest restoration based on Saemaul Undong. Dean LEE Do-hyeong of YU Department of Forest Resources planned the tree planting event and said, “I hope students to have the opportunity to remember the meaning of Arbor Day by planting trees. I hope to make a culture to pass richer environment to future generations by activating tree planting everywhere as well as YU.”
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- 2023. 04. 07
- 2023. 03. 31
- 13275
On the 15th-16th, YU General Club Association held “Central Club Fair.” Street recruit of members started with advertisement of clubs to freshmen. More than 4,000 members from more than 70 groups are working in eight divisions including academy, service, sports, art, etc. [March 16, 2023] “Freshmen of Class 23! Let’s join a club and make pleasant campus memories!” The university campus in spring vibes was full of energy. Recruit of group members is active for the freshmen with the start of the 2023 new semester. The 36th General Club Association (Chairman KWON Hyeok-jun) of YU held “2023 Group Fair” on Cheonma Way of the campus for two days from 15th to 16th. Central Group Fair is an event to be held in March every year and senior members of groups recruit members on the street by explaining properties of groups and situations of activities to freshmen. More than 70 groups in eight divisions consisting of liberal arts, sports, service, academy, language, applied studies, arts, and religion of YU Central Group Association participated in the fair and made club member recruit activities for freshmen and existing students. Chairman KWON Hyeok-jun (4th grade of Faculty of Chemical Engineering) of YU Central Group Association said, “More than 4,000 students joined and make activities in the groups of each division now. Memories on the campus may be enriched through club activities. Through this fair, students will have the opportunities to get more understanding of interested groups. The doors of clubs are open always as well as the period of the fair.” I hope many freshmen of Class 23 to actively participate in group activities.” Meanwhile, during the period of the group fair, main agencies and groups of the university, such as student support teams, Student Public Relations Ambassador “Youngdae Sarang,” International Public Relations Ambassador, YU Broadcasting Station UBS, and Gender Equality Center, frequently used by students operated PR booths and introduced agencies and programs, etc.
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- 2023. 03. 22
- 2023. 03. 16
- 14509
Won successive awards in major-related competitions held last year, such as “University Student App Development Challenge K-Hackathon” [March 08, 2023] <Students of YU Department of Computer Science won the Excellence Award at the 10th National Student App Development Challenge K-Hackathon> Students of YU Department of Computer Science swept major competitions and contests held last year and showed their excellent major-capability. Team “Bom Bom” consisting of PARK Ji-yeon, OH Eun-ah, and LEE Gyeong-ju from YU Department of Computer Science and KIM Yun-ju from YU Department of Visual Design won the Korea Contents Association President’s Award (Excellence Award) at the 10th National Student App Development Challenge K-Hackathon held from June to November last year. Their award work is “Working Parents: A life made by working couples together.” It is a comprehensive childcare platform that integrates neighborhood, kindergarten, and home based on app sharing between husband and wife. It was evaluated that it would be helpful in resolving the difficulties faced by working couples and in alleviating the low birth rate problem. They formed another team with NA Yoo-gyeong and JEON In-seo (both, 4th grade) and developed “Metablock.”, a metaverse immersive education platform using Haptic (a technology that allows you to feel tactile sensation, power, and sense of movement among computer functions). Their major-capability and creativity for ideas were recognized by winning IT Female Entrepreneurs Association President Award (Bronze Prize) at the Eve and ICT Mentoring Contest in 2022, as well as the Local Excellence in Science and Engineering Talent Award at the 14th WIT Leader Conference and Ceremony. The students of YU Department of Computer Science also stood out in the competition they participated in as a joint team with the students of other majors. Team “Young Guys” consisting of CHO Chang-heon (Department of Computer Engineering), KIM Hong-tae (Department of Economics and Finance/Double Major in Computer Science), SEO Seong-won (Department of Business Administration/Double Major in Computer Science), and JEONG Ho-chan (Department of Communication and Communication) won the grand prize at the “2022 Northeast Public Data Utilization Challenge Hackathon” hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National IT Industry Promotion Agency. 'DAON' is a service that analyzes general conversations like actual conversations with humans through natural language processing and recommends the most suitable policy for the user. Unlike other services that require the use of accurate terms to search for welfare policies, DAON attracted the attention of the contest participants. Also, the capability of the students of YU Department of Computer Science was externally recognized through Grand Prize (KIM Chae-il, LEE Tae-hoon, CHOI Eun-seon) at “2022 Korea Information Processing Society ICT Mentoring Conference,” “2022 Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service President's Award (CHO Chang-heon) at “Big Leader AI Academy Project,” and “2021 Korea Tourism Organization President's Award” (HONG Young-min).
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- 2023. 03. 22
- 2023. 03. 08
- 14379
Capabilities of both organizations will gather for joint researches on local educational issues, etc. [March 10, 2023] YU Department of Education (BK21 Pro Bono Regional Education Innovation Talent Fostering Team) concluded a business agreement on “development of local future education “ with Suseong-gu Lifelong Learning Center of Suseong Future Education Foundation on February 23rd. Ten persons from both organizations including Professor HEO Jun in charge of the leader of BK21 Pro Bono Regional Education Innovation Talent Fostering Team and Secretary General KIM So-yeong of Suseong Future Education Foundation participated in the agreement ceremony. “Pro Bono” type talents means the persons who donate their professional knowledge, technology, and experiences, etc. for public benefits. Both organizations decided to cooperate through agreement for ▲Joint development of future education development plans in Suseong-gu, ▲Joint research on education issues in Suseong-gu, ▲Cooperation in planning and progressing Suseong-gu education projects, ▲ Joint development and operation of field-focused educational courses by Suseong Future Education Foundation, Suseong-gu Lifelong Learning Center,YU Department of Education, and BK21 Pro Bono Regional Education Innovation Talent Fostering Team, and ▲ Holding joint academic conferences. Professor HEO Jun said, “Cultivation of Pro Bono type talents is to plan, lead, and implement local educational innovation based on basic citizenship and commitment to the community and is to nurture researchers with scientific inquiry capabilities. I hope that many talents of our institution are used for development of future education in Suseong-gu.” KIM So-yeong, Director of Suseong-gu Lifelong Learning Center and General Secretary of Suseong Future Education Foundation said, “I am grateful for cooperation with Suseong-gu for local education innovation. Let's think together about the educational problems of the region and execute various projects for future education.”
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- 2023. 03. 22
- 2023. 03. 10
- 13589
Alma Master Visit Event in February … 1st Class alumnus lawyers gathered together for the sake of their alma mater and juniors In 2021, too, 39 alumnus lawyers donated KRW 110 million as development fund Yearly graduated alumni’s alma master visit event is planned. [March 14, 2023] The lawyers of YU Law School (hereinafter referred to as Law School) donated development fund for development of YU, their alma master. More than 20 alumnus lawyers, 1st class graduates from YU Law School, visited YU in February. The 1st class graduates gathered together to help development of their ma master and had the 1st alma master visit event. They met President CHOI Oe-chool and expressed their will to donate KRW 30 million to help development of the university. Lawyer MOON Kang-seok participated in the alma master visit event and said, “After graduating from Law School, I acted as a lawyer in society and, whenever I met my classmates, I exchanged many opinions about the will to contribute in development of my alma mater. I hope that my alma mater develops and my juniors are supported for their studies. I will continue to support my alma mater and my juniors as soon as I get a chance. I hope continuation to a good tradition.” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “Legal professionals from YU ranging from YU School of Law to current Law School are active in all areas and levels and maintain the status as a cradle for training legal professionals. Thank you for not forgetting your alma mater and juniors in spite of your busy living in each area. To foster legal professionals who realize social justice, the university will do it’s best to support them. We ask for your interest and support in the future.” <The 1st alma master visit event by YU Law School> It is not the first time that legal professionals from YU Law School donated development fund to their alma master. Last year in 2021, 39 alumni donated a total of 110 million won, and the first alumni also donated 10 million won in addition to the 30 million won donated for this event. Starting with this event, YU Law School intends to have plans to hold an annual alma mater visit event for alumni.
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- 2023. 03. 22
- 2023. 03. 14
- 13312