Procure national funding of 200 million won every year for up to 10 years Focus on fostering creative and convergence-type engineering personnel [Apr 3, 2012] Yeungnam University (President Lee, Hyo-soo) was finally selected for the 'Center for Innovation of Engineering Education Support Project'. After receiving national funding for five years since being selected for the first stage in 2007, it was again selected for the second stage for the next ten years to 2022. According to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology, a total of 65 universities, including Yeungnam University, were selected for the 'Center for Innovation of Engineering Education Support Project' that aims at fostering creative and convergence-type engineering talents. By region, ▲ 10 universities including Yeungnam University, Kangwon National University, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Daegu University, and Handong University were selected from the Daegu, Gyeongbuk and Gangwon regions, ▲ 24 including Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University, Ewha Womans University, Chungang University, Sungkyunkwan University, and Ajou University were selected in the greater Seoul area ▲ 9 including Korea National University of Transportation (Chungju), Dankook University (Cheonan), Soonchunhyang University, and the Korea University of Technology and Education were selected from the Chungcheong region ▲ 11 including Chonnam National Univeristy, Chonbuk National University and Chosun University were selected from the Honam region, and ▲ 11 universities including Pusan National University, Donga University, Univerity of Ulsan and Changwon National University were selected from the southeastern region. This shows that of the 86 universities that applied after first regional assessment and second national integrated evaluations last month, 21 universities were disqualified. In addition, of the 60 universities that participated in the first stage project from 2007-2011, 12 universities that showed poor performance were left off, while 17 universities that presented systematic educational program operation plans were newly selected. YU were selected for the first stage (Jun 2007 - Feb 2012) and also for the second stage (Mar 2012 - Feb 2022), and will thus receive national funding of about 200 million won per year for up to the next ten years. Accordingly, YU is planning to set the Center for Innovation of Engineering Education (director Song, Dong-joo) as the control tower in the College of Engineering and to focus on fostering creative and convergence-type engineering talents. In particular, it is planning to strengthen the 'ABEEK' certification system in order to foster engineers who fit global standards. As of March 2012, there are a total 5,741 engineering students who are in the ABEEK certification program at YU, which is 70.3% of all engineering students. YU is planning to enhance this in terms of both quantity and quality. Furthermore, plans are also being made to support the accumulate of various creative design experience by jointly conducting inter-disciplinary programs, as well as capstone design (general design) programs with overseas universities. It is also planning to cooperate with domestic and foreign companies and government bodies, while connecting it to LINC projects, HRD projects and the human resource training projects for regional innovation to concentrate on fostering creative engineering talents with strong character and leadership. The 'Center for Innovation of Engineering Education Support Project' was pursued since 2007 in order to resolve the imbalances caused by the differences in the skill level of university graduate engineers and the level needed in industries. In the first stage, hardware innovation such as construction of an engineering education improvement system in colleges and development of educational programs were conducted. In the second stage, the software innovation such as industrial work programs including capstone design and field work will be strengthened, and programs that are integrated with humanities and arts will be focused upon. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will subdivide the total project period into three periods (3+3+4 years) and is planning to disqualify the lowest performers through mid-term evaluations.
First demonstration of 'Raonatti' in front of a Dutch minister Joint development by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Gyeongsangbuk-do, grand opening scheduled in December Use traditional cultural heritages and characters of the local government body to open possibilities of globalizing cultural contents industries [March 29, 2012] Yeungnam University finally revealed the online platform-based 'cultural contents education serious game' that it is currently developing together with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism(MCST) and Gyeongsangbuk-do. The YU Convergence Media Design Center (director Hong, Chang-kee) attended the 'Korea-Netherlands Serious Game Seminar' at the Seoul JW Marriott Hotel on the 28th and gave a demonstration on 'Raonatti' (Korean word meaning 'fun friend'), a game that YU developed. The demonstration was made by Kim, Chan-woo, a fifth-grader at Sawol Elementary School in Daegu and Hong, Ji-ho, a second-grader at Samyuk Elementary School in Daegu. Due to the 'fun' and 'immersion' character of games, Serious Games can be a way to effectively conduct education, therapy and training. It is receiving high attention as a core sector that can lead next-generation technologies and contents. Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Uri Rosenthal and Joke Witteveen of the Dutch Games Association (DGA), and Director of the Gyeonggi Digital Content Agency Sung, Yeol-hong were present and watched the demonstration of 'Raonatti'. Features of this is that it utilizes Korea's traditional cultural heritages such as Bulguksa Temple, Seokguram, and Andong Hahoe Village, as well as characters of the local governing bodies as contents. In addition, by integrating the entertainment factors, which is the main function of serious games, together with education, tourism and PR, it induces elementary and secondary school students to enjoy games while having continued interest in Korea's unique traditional cultural heritages and cultural contents. Representatives from both nations that watched the demonstration praised it saying that it was entertaining. The YU Convergence Media Design Center, which began development of the games with a total investment of 720 million won made up of both national and provincial funding from June of last year, is reinforcing the contents such as 'Knowing Dokdo' with the goal of having the grand opening at the end of the year. Meanwhile, it is also planning to conduct test classes at elementary schools, as well as an online beta test in the coming months of June and October. On this, Professor Hong, Chang-kee (42, Department of Visual Communication Design), who is serving as the director of the YU Convergence Media Design Center, stated, "The education, culture and IT contents of the Gyeongbuk region finally took its first step towards globalization and popularization." He added, "Starting off at Gyeongbuk, by establishing a cultural U-learning system nationwide and by utilizing 'Knowing History Properly' learning contents that use the UNESCO designated cultural heritages and cultural properties of local governments, we can expect not only educational effects, but the creation of new growth engines by adding value to local cultures." Meanwhile, this event was hosted by the Embassy of Korea to the Netherlands, the Gyeonggi Digital Content Agency, and the Korean Society for Computer Game, and sponsored by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. As part of the friendly match of Serious Games between Korea and the Netherlands, Korea demonstrated cultural contents serious games that YU is developing, while the Dutch showed a fire fighting drill serious game.
Four private universities in the nation, including Yeungnam University, selected as technology-innovation types Procure national funding of 20 to 25 billion won for 5 years, Improve the structure of the university in being a industry-university cooperation friendly [Mar 28, 2012] YU was selected for LINC sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. On the 28th, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(MEST) and the National Research Foundation of Korea announced that it made its final selections for 51 universities for the 'Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation (LINC)' in order to create various industry-university cooperation models connected to local industries. They were selected from either technology-innovation types or on-site types. For technology-innovation types, 3 to 5 billion won will be granted to each university. A total of 14 were selected for this including Yeungnam University, Sungkyunkwan University, Hanyang University, Pusan University, Kyungpook National University and Chonnam National University. Two to four billion won will be supported to each university for on-site types, and 37 universities such as Dongkuk University, Konyang University, Gwangju University, and University of Ulsan were selected. Among the fourteen selected for technology-innovation types, only four are private universities (Yeungnam University, Sungkyunkwan University, Hanyang University, Chosun University). In the Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions, only Yeungnam University and Kyungpook National University were selected for technology-innovation types. Kyungwoon University, Keimyung University, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu University, and Andong National University were selected for on-site types. The 'LINC Project' is in its first year this year initiated by MEST. The 'Metropolitan Human Resource Development Center for Economic Region Leading Industry Project', 'Industry-University Centered University', and 'Regional Core Research Program' to which 145.5 billion won were granted to 44 universities until last year, were combined this year into the LINC project. It will thus provide a total of 170 billion won to 51 universities. By being selected for the LINC, YU procured national funding of 20 to 25 billion won over the next 5 years. Thus, while newly hiring 'professors for industry-university cooperation', it will also newly construct a 'Business Startup Education Center' and 'Field Training Support Center', while strengthening its industry-university cooperation friendly education curriculum such as 'interdisciplinary/business-connected Capstone Design Project' and 'industry-university cooperation track'. In particular, based on the research abilities and educational capacities in the green sector that YU accumulated thus far, it is planning to lead the region's green industry development by fostering specialized 'Green Collar', such as newly offering green energy and green car courses in the graduate school. It is also planning to continuously create win-win models for the university and local companies by providing a 'one-stop service' for companies such as retraining and reeducation of employees, utilizating common equipments, etc through the establishment of the 'corporate support center'. Lee, Hyo-soo, president of YU, emphasized, "By developing and using various industry-university cooperation models linked to local industries, our university will be reshuffled into being more industry-university cooperation friendly." He also added, "It will resolve the mismatch in the job market and construct an infrastructure that strengthens the competitiveness of local industries."
Korea-Japan-China Cooperation Secretariat Holds First Project, '2012 Campus Caravan' Secretary generals from 3 countries and 18 college students from 3 countries join, for the regular diplomatic camp between students [March 31, 2012] Students from 3 countries participating in the Campus Caravan visiting Yeungnam University pose for a photo (from front left, Shin, Bong-kil secretary general of Cooperation Secretariat, Lee, Hyo-soo president of YU) Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-soo) held the 'Campus Caravan', a diplomatic camp for college students from 3 countries, as the first project of the 'Korea-Japan-China Cooperation Secretariat'. As part of this, a forum was held under the theme, 'For the Peaceful and Co-prosperity Age of Northeast Asia' at the YU Chunma Arts Center Chamber Hall on the morning of the 21st. Shin, Bong-kil, secretary general of the Cooperation Secretariat, Professor Woo, Jae-ho (School of Chinese Language and Culture), Professor Kim, Jeong-sook (Department of Korean History), Professor Kim, Yang-sun (Department of Japanese Language & Literature), and Professor Jun, In (School of Business) participated as a panel and had an open discussion on the meaning and roles of the launching of the Cooperation Secretariat. Lee, Hyo-soo, president of YU, who met 18 students from the 3 countries and Shin, Bong-kil, secretary general of the Cooperation Secretariat, at the 3rd floor conference room of the Main Administration Building prior to the forum, said, "I am very proud and happy that YU is where college students from the 3 countries are meeting to search for ways to construct a peaceful and cooperative relationship for Northeast Asia." He added, "At the Korea & China University Presidential Forum held at YU last year, we suggested that we expand this to the Korea-China-Japan University Presidential Forum and received positive responses from the university presidents present. I ask that you continue to show interest and support for the 3 Countries Cooperation Secretariat as well." Shin replied, "That's a good idea," while adding, "We will positively look into this as a new project for the Cooperation Secretariat." At this event, co-hosted by the Cooperation Secretariat and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 18 college students from three countries (6 from each country) enrolled at YU (Gyeongsang-do), Kangwon University (Gangwon-do), and Woosuk University (Jeolla-do), and the secretary generals of 3 countries were present. Starting with visits to the Cooperation Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Japanese Cultural Center in Korea and Chinese Cultural Center in Korea on the 19th, the event will be held for five days visiting the university campuses. The Cooperation Secretariat is planning to make the 3 countries diplomacy camp a regular event starting this year at YU. On this, Joo, Sang-woo (53, School of Mechanical Engineering), Vice President for International Programs, stated, "The sum of the GDP of China, Japan and Korea, which are 2nd, 3rd, and 13th in the world, respectively, amounts to about 20% of the entire world's GDP. This is the third largest in the world following NAFTA and the EU. The sum of the population of the 3 countries also account for 25% of the global population. Thus, cooperation of the three Northeast Asian countries will be meaningful for not only the three countries, but for the entire international community." He also added, "I hope that as the starting point of exchange for the college students of the 3 countries that will open the doors to the future of Northeast Asia, cooperation of the 3 countries will become more diversified and active." The Korea-Japan-China Cooperation Secretariat (secretary general, Ambassador Shin, Bong-kil), is a permanent international organization that opened its doors in November last year, 12 years after the first meeting among the leaders of the 3 countries in 1999. It was established through the agreement of the three governments and all three countries have the same shares and are responsible for equal amounts for its operation budget. The secretary general position is held for two years in the order of Korea, Japan and China. Its main assignment is to systemize, organize and institutionalize 50 consultative mechanisms of the 3 governments, as well as over 100 cooperative projects. Based on the goal that it will take its first step in its journey for regional integration of Northeast Asia and to make the cornerstone for 'One Asia', it is planning to go in full motion this year. The Northeast Asian Affairs Bureau of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is also planning to pursue programs to strengthen the cooperative basis for private exchange among the 3 countries by cooperating with the Cooperation Secretariat of the 3 countries.
Yeungnam University signs MOU with 4 major financial institutes, launches 'Youth Hope Net' Business Startup education and incubating provided by university, And Business Startup financial support provided by financial institutes Kim, Seok-dong, chairman of the Financial Services Commission meets YU students to hear their thoughts [March 20, 2012] "Today, the world can be changed with just one computer in a garage. The nation and society should provide support so that if people have a good idea and technology in today's intelligence-based society, they can startup a venture without worrying about funding and be successful. I hope that the 'Youth Hope Net' that is being launched today at Yeungnam University will spread to the entire nation and even to the world so that they can startup their own business without being too afraid of failure." Yeungnam University-4 Major Financial Institute MOU Signing Ceremony (from left: Lee, Jong-hwi, chairman of the Credit Counseling and Recovery Service, Chang, Young-chul, CEO of the Korea Asset Management Corporation, Lee, Hyo-soo, president of Yeungnam University, Kim, Seok-dong, chairman of the Financial Services Commission, Lee, Seok-bae, executive director of the Korean Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations, Kim, Seok-dong, director of the Smile Microcredit Bank Daegu-Junggu Branch) At 12:30 on the 12th, an MOU signing ceremony was signed at the 3rd floor conference room of the YU Main Administration Building. This MOU was among Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-soo), Korea Asset Management Corporation (CEO Chang, Young-chul), Smile Microcredit Bank (chairman Kim, Seung-yu), Credit Counseling and Recovery Service (chairman Lee, Jong-hwi), and Korean Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations (chairman Yim, Chung-sik). Here, Lee, Hyo-soo, president of YU expressed his hopes for the growth of the 'Youth Hope Net', while emphasizing the need for financial policies that can give hope to youths to overcome the crisis of youth unemployment and credit delinquencies. Kim, Seok-dong, chairman of the Financial Services Commission(FSC), stated, "Resolving the issue of youth unemployment and positive action for businesses startup will be the key to decide our future." He added, "With today's MOU, YU students will be provided with emergency funds and business startup funding. Starting with this, the FSC will concentrate on expanding the financial support network to give hope to youths across the nation." He further added, "This is the first time we are making an official announcement, but banks are planning to come up with 500 billion won in youth business startup funds for the next 3 years and offer funds of 100 million won initially and up to 300 million won if they have a good business idea. Also, the interest rates will be set at minimum rates to lessen the burden of failure and help promote startup ventures by youths." With this MOU, Yeungnam University will step up its business startup education and incubating for enrolled students through the Business Startup Club and the Business Startup Incubating Center, while also taking charge of financial support guides and finding new beneficiaries. KAMCO agreed to provide financial support such as Change Dream Loans, Emergency Life Stabilization Funds, etc, as well as employment and credit management education. The Smile Microcredit Bank will be in charge of specialized loan support for youths businesses startup, the Credit Counseling and Recovery Service will be in charge of debt rescheduling and supporting credit management education, while the Korean Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations will offer guarantees for promoting loans to university students hoping to start up their own business. Meanwhile, Chairman Kim of the FSC sat down with over 20 Yeungnam University students to listen to the voice of customer so that he may come up with measures so that financial benefits will actually go to the students. Kim began a 'People's Finance 2 Day Tour' from the 19th, traveling across five cities including Daegu and Gwangju to check and inspect the support measures given to the common people's finances. Kim, Seok-dong, chairman of the FSC (far right), is meeting with YU students to listen to what they have to say.
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24 conglomerates including Samsung, Hyundai, LG, SK, CJ, STX and POSCO gather Realizing achievement of the 'Y-type Human Resources' brand [March 19, 2012] Hyundai Motors held a recruitment process seminar on the 7th at the Chunma Arts Center Chamber Hall, attracting students who are preparing to look for jobs. In light of the year's first half open recruitment season, conglomerates are flooding into Yeungnam University. Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-soo) is hosting on-campus recruiting and job fairs almost everyday around the campus with the start of the new semester. A campus recruiting and job fairs were held by the Samsung Group for its companies such as Samsung Electronics, Samsung SDS, and Samsung C&T from March 5 to March 7. Following that was Hyundai Motors on the 7th, CJ Group on the 14th and 15th, and POSCO Group on the 15th. On the 19th, campus recruiting was held by Daewoo E&C and a recruitment process seminar was also held by the Incheon International Airport Corporation, attracting Yeungnam University students. More campus recruiting and employment seminars will be conducted on the 20th and 21th by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, STX Group on the 22nd, LG Siltron and Metlife on the 23rd, Doosan Group on the 27th, and SK Group on the 28th. SK Group's campus recruiting event will be held only at a few universities in Seoul such as Sogang University (20th) and Ewha Womans University (21st) and for other regions, only major universities such as Yeungnam University (28th) and Pusan National University (April 2). Next month, Meritz Insurance is planning to conduct campus recruiting for two days on the 16th and 17th. Thus, a total of 24 conglomerates will conduct campus recruiting and offer job fairs at Yeungnam University. On this, Lee, Hyo-soo, president of YU, said, "This is the result of concentrating all of our university's education capacities on branding the 'Y-type Human Resources' who are equipped with Initiative, Creativity, and Specialty, based on Humanity." He also added, "We will continue to strengthen educational innovation focusing on securing both quantity and quality of employment, while also providing employment support."
World's 7th 'TUV Rheinland Photovoltaic Testing Center', 2nd in world for university Radically reduce time and cost for international certification for exports Acceleration of GIFT plan and Yeungnam University rises as hub for Photovoltaic Industry [March 8, 2012] Korea's First and World's 7th TUV Rheinland International PV Certification Center opened at YU. At 2pm on the 8th, Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-soo) held the opening ceremony of the 'TUV Rheinland Yeungnam University Photovoltaic Testing Center' (hereafter called 'TUV YU Testing Center') with the attendance of guests such as German ambassador to Korea Hans-Ulrich Seidt, Chief International Officer of TUV Rheinland Stephan Schmitt, Chief Regional Officer Asia Pacific Michael Jungnitsch, CEO of the TUV Rheinland Korea Stefan Heuer, president of the Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry Friedrich Stockinger, Lieutenant Governor for Political Affairs of Gyeongsangbuk-do Lee, In-seon, and other figures in related institutions and photovoltaic industries. It is now in full operation. TUV Rheinland is a global safety inspection and certification institute based in Germany. In terms of photovoltaic certification, it is the world's top institute, having an 80% share of the global market. It is continuously development cooperation and support with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and is acting as a leader in standardizing technology in photovoltaic sector. It is also operating international certification and testing centers for photovoltaic modules in 6 places throughout the world such as in Yokohama in Japan, Cologne in Germany, Arizona in USA, Shanghai in China, Taiwan, and Bangalore in India. The YU Testing Center is only the second to be held in a university following that of Arizona State University in the US. The German ambassador to Korea (5th from left), president of the Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2nd from right), and Chief International Officer of TUV Rheinland (3rd from right) visited Yeungnam University to congratulate the opening of the 'TUV YU Testing Center'. Prior to the opening ceremony, the Ambassador Seidt stated, "YU is located in a very geographically important location that connects Gumi, Daegu and Pohang, and thus it is very suitable for establishing a Science Cluster." He also added, "Today will be the start of not only cooperation between Korean and Germany companies, but also between universities, and furthermore, it will also promote global industry-academic-research collaboration. Ten years later, we will remember this day." Chief International Officer of TUV Rheinland Schmitt also explained, "This is the second time that TUV Rheinland worked with a university to establish a Testing Center since doing so with Arizona State University in the US in 2008." He also said, "Yeungnam University has procured world-class research capacities and personnel in the Green Energy, and especially in photovoltaic sector. We expect that with the new testing center, it will be even more active than Arizona State University." Professor Jeon, Chan-wook (School of Chemical Engineering) was appointed as the director of the Testing Center. Professor Jeon, who is one of the top experts in the compound thin film solar cells sector in Korea, served as the vice-director of the Daekyeong Regional Innovation Center for Solar Cell & Module and the head of Equipment Support Team since 2008. He will construct and operate the TUV YU Testing Center utilizing his experience in conducting photovoltaic-related process/evaluation equipment construction and corporate support activities. Guests visiting inside the 'TUV YU Testing Center' (from far right, Ambassador Seidt, YU President Lee, Hyo-soo) With the opening of the Testing Center, it is expected that YU will emerge as the Korean hub for the photovoltaic industry. This is because all exports must pass the TUV YU Testing Center to receive international certification. Currently, the photovoltaic industry is growing in not only Germany, but the entire world. According to the German Federal Association for Renewable Energies, the worldwide transactions in the photovoltaic industry will grow to 6 billion euros by 2020, eight times that of the amount in 2005. In Korea, Woongjin Group recently announced that it would sell its cash-crow, Woongjin Coway so that it could enter the photovoltaic business, Likewise, there is growing interest in the photovoltaic industry, which will serve as a blue ocean in the future, and many large companies are joining the race. Regionally, photovoltaic-related companies are being pursued and there are many policies that are strongly supporting this industry such as the establishment of the East Sea Energy Cluster. On this, Director Jeon, Chan-wook said, "International certification is absolutely necessary for exports of Korean-made photovoltaic modules. In the past, it was sent to Japan, Shanghai or Taiwan, costing millions to hundreds of millions of won and several months to up to two years to receive such certification. This translates into the possibility that new products, which required massive investments, can become out of date after receiving certification. However, from now on, international certification can be received from YU so this is no longer a concern." He added with emphasis, "At this point of time when export industrialization in the new renewable energy sector is desperately needed as a new growth engine for the Republic of Korea, YU will compete and cooperate with the world as the Korean base for Green Innovation." Comprehensive Durability Test Equipment for Photovoltaic Modules Meanwhile, with the opening of the Testing Center, YU's 'GIFT Plan' is expected to become even stronger. GIFT(Green Innovation For Tomorrow) Plan embodies YU's research specialization strategy of 'becoming a university that prepares a 'gift' for the future society through green innovation'. There are three main points in the university specialization strategy in the 'green R&D' sector. They are ▲developing energy conservation technologies in existing industries (LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center, Center for Green Car Parts) ▲development and commercialization of green energy new technologies (RIC for Solar Cell & Module, Institute of Solar Energy, TUV Rheinland Photovoltaic Testing Center, construction of Korean mass production line for ISET Solar Cells) ▲spreading culture for conserving energy (Human Resources Development Agency). These have been pursued since 2009. Furthermore, the 'CRC' (Convergence Research Cluster), which will be a focal point for fusion and convergence research, was constructed and as its first tenant institute, the Green Energy Building was completed in May of last year. Currently, research on finding new advanced technologies through fusion and convergence of relevant majors and institutes are being conducted. In November 2010, the GGECN (Global Green Energy Cluster Network), which pledges R&D collaboration in the green energy sector with solar energy hub research institutes of the US, Germany, France and Australia. In February 2011, the ISET (International Solar Electric Technology) of the US was attracted to establish a solar cell mass production line in Korea, bringing in investments of 50 million dollars (equivalent to 55 billion Korean won). Through this, YU is aiming to become the world's top 10 in the green energy research sector within the next 10 years. On this, YU president Lee, Hyo-soo said, "Advanced countries in the photovoltaic sector such as the US, Germany, France and Australia are keeping an eye on Yeungnam University," emphasizing, "Through the Green Glocal Initiative, we will procure global competitiveness for not only YU, but for our region and Korea."
National Institute for International Education delegates the education to Yeungnam University Construct basis for promoting global educational cooperation [October 10, 2011] Public employees in charge of global education and exchange from 13 countries around the world, such as Brazil, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and India gathered at Yeungnam University on the 10th. YU (president Lee, Hyo-soo) will conduct the '2011 invitational training for employees of studying abroad and international education/exchange' being consigned by the National Institute for International Education (director Jung, Sang-gi) from the 10th to 17th. 18 will be participating in this training session. Following the opening ceremony held at the YU Internaitonal Video Conference Room at 9am on the 10th, a lecture on Korean culture will be made by Professor Wendy Worthington of the School of International Studies. In the afternoon, they will visit the Gumi Samsung Electronics plant and take a minute to see the competitiveness of Korea that is leading the global IT market. In the morning of the 11th, the group will visit the Cheongdo Saemaeul Movement Birthplace Memorial Halll. Here, the participants listened to a special lecture by Professor Rhee, Jae-hoon (School of Business) on the success model of the Korean economy and the spirit of Saemaeul Movement that led Korea, which was devastated and left in ruins after the Korean War, to grow into an OECD nation in just half a century. In the afternoon, they will visit Andong Hahoe Maeul, which was designated by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage and experience the traditional cultures of Korea. Afterwards, they will attend a seminar entitled, 'Comparison of International Education Systems in Various Countries' and hold a meeting with international students. On the 12th, they will visit Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsa, Yandong Maeul in Gyeongju and POSTEC. On the 13th and 14th, they will visit Jeju and then go to Seoul on the 15th and 16th to experience the nature and culture of Korea. Vanessa Carneiro da Costa Rezende, who came as the advisor of the International Affairs Office for Ministry of Education (Brazil), said, "The Korean and Brazilian governments are pursuing exchange and cooperation, so we needed to learn more and better understand Korea." She added, "Through this opportunity, we hope that we will be able to more accurately understanding the education system and conditions of Korea and provide better support and guidance to Brazilian students who wish to come to study in Korea." Joo, Sang-woo (School of Mechanical Engineering) of the YU Office of International Programs who is overseeing this training program stated, "For the globalization of education, governments need mutual understanding and cooperation among public employees who are in charge of studying abroad, international exchange, and education." He added, "With the growing international status of Korea, there are growing numbers of students hoping to study in Korea, particularly among developing countries. With this, understanding and interest of Korea will grow and global educational cooperation with Korea will become more active among public employees in these countires." The completion ceremony will be held at the National Institute for International Education (Jongno-gu, Seoul) on the morning of the 17th.